Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The tip of the knife was right in front of him and could easily cut through fragile skin. There was no fear in Yun Weishan's eyes.

"I'm not from the Qingfeng Sect." She denied.

Jin Fan's blade was an inch closer: "The direct disciples of the Qingfeng Sect are at most proficient in three or four moves. There are only a handful of people who can master all nine moves of swordsmanship. You said you are not from the Qingfeng Sect, you are talking nonsense!"

Gong Zishang was also deeply worried and looked at Yun Weishan warily.

Yun Weishan lowered her eyes: "My mother is just an ordinary woman, and my father has been in business all his life..."

The blade was an inch closer, and Yun Weishan was forced to raise her face. Jin Fan said sternly: "Don't do this! You have already used it once when you put out the river lantern!"

If she wants to enter the back mountain, she must show her martial arts skills. Likewise, she also needs a convincing rhetoric.

Yun Weishan had already prepared for this. She raised her eyes calmly in the face of danger: "...My father has been in business all his life and travelled all over the country. Fourteen years ago, he was transporting goods by water and found a heroine hiding in a secret warehouse under the ship. She is the defector that the Qingfeng Sect has been chasing, and is known as the swordsmanship genius Zhuomei who is rare in fifty years... Zhuomei returned home with her father and kept her name anonymous. In order to repay the kindness of saving her life, Zhuomei recognized me as her adopted daughter and taught me Qingfeng Nine Styles..."

Zhuomei has been defecting for many years and has disappeared from the world. It would be somewhat credible to say that she was hiding in an ordinary person's home and keeping her name anonymous, so she could avoid being hunted.

Jin Fan still had doubts in his heart. After all, this matter was rarely known and difficult to verify. He just pointed at Yun Weishan's blade and stepped back a few steps.

He asked doubtfully: "Save her life and she will teach you the Nine Qingfeng Styles?"

"My stepmother taught me the swordsmanship actually for her own selfish reasons. She wanted me to avenge her... Back then, Zhuomei was in love with a young man and violated the sect's rules. She was severely punished by the leader at the time and her senior sister... This incident shocked the world that year, you should also know about it, right?"

The first half was of course a lie to him, but the second half was mixed with the truth, making it difficult to distinguish the authenticity.

After hearing this, Gong Zishang was a little moved. She had heard of this rumour, so there was some sympathy in her eyes: "I know, I heard my mother talk about it... It seems that Zhuomei's lover had his hands and feet cut off, his mouthpiece sealed, and he was placed in front of Zhuomei dying. ...Later I heard that Zhuomei couldn't stand the stimulation, so she went crazy and killed more than a dozen people. She was covered in blood and escaped from the Qingfeng Sect..."

Jin Fan's heart was shaken, and he already believed her words eighty-nine percent, just because her frowning eyebrows were anxious and she seemed to be really concerned about Gong Ziyu's safety. Her attitude was calm and there was no sign of lying at all.

So he slowly took back the blade in his hand: "It turns out that Zhuo Mei, who disappeared from the world, has been hiding in your house... Did you marry into the palace to use the palace to take revenge on the Qingfeng faction?"

Yun Weishan shook her head, with some tears in her eyes: "No... my adoptive mother passed away a few years ago... She has been depressed these years. Before she died, she said to my father, if there is still a peaceful place in this world, that is the palace gate..."

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