chapter twenty five

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HAUNTED. MY apartment is haunted. Everything smells like her, every room I walk into I can still see her there, still hear her laugh and the sweet sound of her voice.

It's driving me crazy.

When she told me she was leaving I didn't know how to react. I concealed my disappointment with nonchalance and I hung my head in shame as she walked away from me.

I didn't know what to say because I didn't know what I wanted. I mean of course I want Callie but I'm scared. She makes me feel things I don't understand and do things impulsively by acting on emotion, which is something entirely new to me. So I went to the gym to let off some steam and ended up bumping into an old friend.

Its then I did something totally out character and I talked to Elliot about my life. He's always been someone that I've been fond of as he's got the most sensible advice and is never trying to pry.

He told me that I'm an idiot and he's not wrong.

And then by some sick twist of fate Callie had ended up with Dylan, Elliot's girlfriend. When I saw her face all I felt was guilt but once again, I didn't know how to convey how I felt and I turned cold on her.

Callie deserves her own space and she deserves to heal without any complications that I would add. And if it means I have to put her wellbeing before my feelings towards her then so be it. I just wish I had said goodbye.

It's been a full two weeks since Callie left and I miss her. We haven't been in contact at all but Mikey tells me that she's settling into her new place well.

I think I was upset that she was leaving because selfishly, I liked having her near me and I liked being able to talk to her without having to admit to myself that I really really liked this girl because now if I reach out it makes it clear and I can't go back on it.

I now understand that that was a shitty thing to do, and that it was totally unfair to mess with her feelings for my own selfish reasons.

"Why don't you just message her?" Mikey suggests.

I shoot him an icy glare from across the room.

"Don't look at me like that. You know you want to." He snickers and I roll my eyes, focusing on  unwrapping my hand.

I won my fight tonight, as usual, but I shouldn't have, my head wasn't it in. She's all I can think about and it's driving me crazy. It's not just my apartment that's haunted by her, it's my head and it's my heart and she's consuming every part of me.

Her wide eyes, full cheeks and her breathtaking smile. Her copper hair, contagious laugh and ability to be kind to everyone no matter what. Her soft skin, body that fits perfectly against mine and her reactions to the simplest of touches from me. Just her.

It's pathetic really but I don't care anymore. I have to get her back in my life and I have to apologise because I can't go on like this, it's only been two weeks and yet it feels likes months without her.

Callie is like nothing I've ever known before. And I know I've said it before but it's just so true. She's like a breath of fresh air, she's soemthing new that makes me want to leave my comfort zone and actaully become a half decent person sometimes. She earnt my trust within moments of meeting her, which is unheard of but she just has this trustworthy pull about her, which makes me want to spill my deepest darkest secrets like a little kid. Sometimes it feels like I was made just for her with how easy she managed to sneak into my life and bring out a totally different side in me. It feels like I've been waiting for her all my life without even realising it.

But I let her walk straight out of my life as if she was nothing and this realisation is about two weeks to late. The pit of dread that has been steadily growing since she left doubles, I've never regretted anything so bad.

"Stop wallowing Zane and do something about it." Mikey tells me truthfully and I nod in agreement.

"I'm working on it."

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘


I had to walk away because I hated looking at his face knowing that we were feeling different and even though over the past two weeks we cut all ties it feels like he's never really leaving. And part of me wants him back but I know it won't work like that, I know it won't be how I want it to.

And it's not okay to me. It upsets me and I actually feel heartbroken.

It's pathetic, we weren't even together, there's nothing to be upset about so why do I feel so heartbroken, why does it feel so bad?

I think I liked him more than I let myself realise.

My mind drifts off to what Dylan said, even though I feel like shit right now, I think some space is what's needed. And so far, living with Morgan has been amazing and everything else in my life has calmed down, it's just him now.

"I think you'll end up together." Morgan tells me, coming to sit on the edge of my bed.

I scoff, "You live in dreamland."

"Yeah and what? You should try it sometime." I laugh at her words, Morgan is always good at making me feel better.

"But seriously, that guy looks at you like you're a goddess. He worships you."

"Then why did he act like he didn't care when I left." I question and she shakes her head.

"Zane is a confusing man, even I know that he's not in touch with his emotions at all. I'm just saying don't get it in your head that he doesn't like you because he does. Just give him time Cal, I think he'll surprise you." Morgan says knowingly and I roll my eyes.

"Are you on my side or his?"

"I'm on the side of your happiness." She sasses and I scoff.

"Let's stop talking about this now, I need to try and forget about him."

"Yeah, good luck with that."


"You go all googly-eyed at the thought of him. I fear it's too late for that."

"I do not."

"Yes you do."

"You're annoying."

"You're only saying that cause you know I'm right." She sings and I slap her arm gently. "Okay ow."

"I barely even touched you." I tease.

We spend the rest of our night bickering, watching old Disney movies and eating illegal amounts of popcorn. Morgan does an amazing job at keeping my spirits up and after a lot of internal turmoil I feel at peace. I have a feeling that this is all going to work out in the end, and I would hate myself if I spent so much time wallowing for nothing.

I really do like Zane and I would love for things to work out between us and even if it takes a little more time and effort from him and if he proves to me that this isn't just a one sided infatuation then maybe we will have a second chance; even though I'm not sure we even had a proper first chance.

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