chapter fourty

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I SIT staring at Callie as she chats away with my sister, while occasionally sipping her iced coffee and I struggle to forget what happend this morning.

I knew Wyatt was an abusive piece of shit but hearing the extent of his behaviour and how he hurt the most precious woman in the world, it really hit me hard.

And something tells me that there was worse as well, that she'll never share and the thought alone makes me sick. I wish I could go back in time and stop her from ever meeting him. I wish I found out earlier and I really wish I'd met her earlier.

She's so strong that it annoys me, because she shouldn't have to be 'strong', she shouldn't have ever gone through any of it. She never deserved it.

Knowing Callie's history has made me ten times more protective of her than I could ever imagine. I have the urge to just wrap her in bubble wrap and never let her out of my sight. And it's hard to manage because she deserves freedom after everything that she's been through because she's more than the things that have happened to her but at the same time I want her to be safe.

So I end up like I am now, watching the room like a hawk, making sure that no one can ever hurt her again.

It's nice to see my sister getting on with Callie. Amelia doesn't have many friends and she doesn't go out much, even now that she's doing better but I can tell that it was desperately needed.

As time passes I get the feeling that Amelia really doesn't want to leave. Which I can understand knowing that other than my mum, she doesn't have anyone to talk to, especially not an outside girl influence, so while we wait for Amelia to go to the bathroom I pull Callie aside.

"Can you stay the night again? With Amelia?" Callie's face lights up at the request and I smile softly at her.

"Of course! I just need to swing by my place though and get some more clothes. I can't keep living in yours." She jokes and I nod.

"Oh and let's go to the grocery store as well. I have an idea." She adds.

Amelia joins us again and we walk out of the cafe to my car.

"So Amelia, what do you say about a girls night tonight?" Callie offers and even though I can't see her, I know that Amelia is excited.

"You're brother said you can sleep over his place tonight and I was thinking we'd have a girls night. I can do your nails, we'll do face masks and watch movies." She continues as we climb into the car.

Amelia agrees happily and I drive us to my mum's house first so that Amelia can pack some stuff. We wait in the car and a few minutes later she returns with a full backpack.

"Is mum home?" I ask her as she climbs back in.

"Yeah she's just watching a film." Amelia tells me and I nod.

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