Chapter 1

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Ember was currently buried under a load of laundry when her phone rang. She lunges for it, and smiles at the caller ID.

"Hey Reggie, what's up?" Ember puts her phone on loudspeaker, and continues on her laundry diving.

"Hey hon. Excited for your first day?" A velvety voice spoke back.

"Yeah, just need to get dressed, then I'm off." A high pitched voice could be heard from Reggie's end asking, "Regina, is that Ember-Rose's voice I'm hearing?"

"How many times have I told you not to call me Regina? That's an old woman kind of name!" Reggie complained.

"And you think Reggie is any better? Only difference is that instead of having an old woman kind of man, you have an old man kind of name!"

"Why don't you come over here and say that to my face!"

"Uh..still on the call guys." Ember chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sorry darling. How are you doing?"

"I'm great, Marina. Got some first day jitters, but I'm excited."

"Did you get my care package, my beautiful flower?"

Ember spotted the white box on her vanity table, with the ominously written words 'EAT ME NOW!'

"You mean the box that's basically threatening me? I'm looking at it."

Reggie laughed. "I told you it was a terrible idea."

"What's in the box? If it's some ridiculous cleansing elixirs, I'll video call you and I'll pour them down my sink."

"I raised a monster!" Marina gasped, "And it's not just cleansing elixirs. There's some smoky quartz and palo-santo in there too. Can never be too careful in warding away evil spirits."

Ember was finally satisfied with her outfit. Dark green cargo pants, cream vest, and a black bomber jacket. As she was checking herself out in the mirror with a smug look that practically screamed 'I am the shit!' She had completely forgotten she was on a call till she heard a frantic, "Hon, you still there?"

"Oh sorry, I was looking over my outfit. I really need to get going now. I'll probably text you at lunch if I'm free. If not, I'll call you tonight." Ember hurrying puts on her boots and grabs her phone and bag, rushing out of the door and into the elevator

"Is Chen coming to pick you up?" Marina yelled.

"She offered, but my bike finally came back from the mechanic. So I'll ride it to work."

Marina scoffed, "That death machine? I should have sent more smoky quartz your way. Tell me you at least carried the one I sent you."

"Haven't even opened the box." Ember shrugged as she wore her gloves and started walking towards her bike.

"Why you little_" Ember heard a scuffle on her godmothers' end, and a string of curse words between the two women, "Ember hon, you have a wonderful day. We can't wait to hear all about it, and how safe you were without having to rely on hocus-pocus."

"Thanks, Reggie, and tell Marina I'll open the box tonight and place the quartz in my locker tomorrow, I'll even send a picture as proof." She heard a muffled Thank you, that she assumed was from Marina. She finally reached her bike.

"Okay, now I really need to go. I love you both. Wish me luck."

"You don't need luck hon. You go show the world what an amazing officer you're going to be." Reggie said

"We love you so much, darling. Don't forget to call us." Marina called out. Ember cut the call, and sighed in content when she heard the roar of her bike.

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