Chapter 6

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Bradford and Ember arrived at the hospital and headed straight for the emergency room. Bradford turned and pointed at her.

"Stay." He practically demanded her.

"What am I? Your pet?" Bradford didn't answer her and turned his attention to the hospital staff, and then to the woman who was coming out of the treatment room, whom Ember remembered as Bradford's wife. He dragged the woman into a side room, where Ember assumed they were having a conversation about what happened.

Not long after, she walked out and Ember heard a frustrated growl and a sharp, impactful noise. Ember rushed into the room to find Bradford holding his fist, noticed his heavy breathing, and the hole in the wall, and immediately knew what had happened.

"Are you okay?" She asked, her eyes widening as she saw his hand slightly bruised from punching the wall. Ember looked around and saw some antiseptic wipes and gauze and grabbed them. Bradford wondered what she was doing and asked her. Ember simply looked at his hand, hoping he would get the hint.

"Absolutely not. We need to get back out there."

"Just sit down, sir."

"Are you that desperate to play hot nurse with me, Boot?"

"You've used that line on me before, it's getting old. Now sit down so that I can wrap your hand."

"You can't tell me what to do..."

"SIT. DOWN. NOW!" Ember yelled at her T.O., fed up with his stubbornness. When he wasn't complying, she added a "Please," which finally got him to sit down. She started wrapping his hand, and Bradford hated the silence that fell between them.

"You need to work on your bedside manners, they're terrible."

"You need to work on your punches, they're sloppy." And with that, Bradford kept quiet, but not without thinking of ways to get back at his rookie.


The two were back in the shop, neither one speaking to the other. Then a call comes in about a biker gang.

"We can ask for another unit to be assigned if you're not up for it?" Ember suggested, trying to get him to look at her.

"I'm fine."By the way he quickly answered her question, avoided her gaze and tightened his grip on the steering wheel, Ember knew he was anything but. She just hoped he'd still have his head on during the call.

They pulled up in front of a bar with dozens of bikers hanging out.

"How do you identify a motorcycle club, Boot?"

"The three rockers on the back of their jackets show the gang name, logo and state of origin. So these guys are the 'Dead Bastards MC.' How original."

"Mhmm. See them?" Bradford pointed at a few of the bikers. "Those are prospects. They have to earn a place in the gang by committing a felony in view of another gang member. Which means..."

"Which means someone's going to fight us the minute we're out of the shop." Ember groaned at the thought.


"Great, so we're calling for backup, right?" Ember asked, reaching for the radio.

"Where's the fun in that?" Bradford swaggered out of the shop and towards the bikers. One of them throws a bottle and they all glare at him.

"Now that's just sad. Either you're man enough to come at me or you're not. Now, who needs a felony?"

Ember rushed to his side and angrily whispered, "What the hell are you doing?"

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