Chapter 7

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Sergeant Grey, and Captain Anderson summoned the squad, briefing them on the Zombie robbers. They were assigned to man the perimeter, while SWAT handled the manhunt.

As chaos would have it, shots were fired at Bishop and Nolan, and Bradford and Ember were inbound to assist. The suspects split up, and Ember grabs the car radio.

"7-Adam-19, we'll take Bower, you take her."

As they followed him, they pulled up behind a truck parked into the alley, and got out of the car.

"Flashlights on, Boot. Eyes right, I'll take left."

Bower, feeling trapped, starts shooting at them, and Bradford calls for backup and airship.

"He's trapped. If I can go over this trailer, I'll come up on top of him." Ember offered.

"And what makes you think I'll let you go?" Bradford replied with a bite. Still bitter about how his day is going.

"Improvisation is a useful tool for a rookie to learn." What Ember really wanted to say was, You're clearly still injured, and I'm not about to deal with a trigger happy suspect and a grumpy T.O.

Bradford narrowed his eyes at her, as though trying to decipher whatever underlying intention his rookie had. Figuring it was the best option they had, he wanted to play it out like it was his idea to begin with, just to irk her.

"Looks like you can learn after all. You passed today's test. Get your ass up there."

"Sir, yes sir." Ember mock salutes him and stealthy climbs up on the truck cab. She gets her eyes on the suspect.

"Police! Drop your weapon! Do it now and get down on your stomach!" The suspects complied and Bradford came around the side of the truck to cuff him. He looks up to see his rookie smiling at him.

"What do you want, an applause? Get down here." Successfully deflating Ember's mood. She just knew this day wasn't going to end well.


Ember texted her godmothers, letting them know she was about to leave. She's stopped by Anderson on the staircase.

"Great work out there, Officer Ross." Anderson smiled at her, clearly hearing how it went down.

"Thank you, Captain, but it was teamwork. Couldn't have done it without Officer Bradford's support."

"Versatile fighting skills and humbleness. You could teach some of these boys a thing or two." They laughed and Ember was about to leave, but Lopez and West stopped them.

"Let's ask Ross and Captain."

"Ask us what?" Anderson asked.

"What was your Plan B?"

"Actually this is my Plan B. Plan A was to be a recitalist." Everyone looked at Ember weirdly.

"Why's everyone looking at me like I'm crazy?" Ember started at the three.

"How does one go from Recitalist to Cop?" West asked incredulously.

"Life happens." She shrugged like it was no big deal, "How about you, Captain?"

"I didn't have one. I was all-in. Nothing was going to stop me from being a cop. Turned out pretty well."

"I agree, Captain." West said with a big smile.

"Whatever," Lopez realised she'd never win.

Ember neared in towards West and whispered, "Kiss-ass," which earned her a friendly punch to the shoulder.

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