Chapter 8

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"Loosen up, Officer Ross. I'm not going to bite." Reed tried to break the silence, noticing the tense stance Ember was in.

"Sorry. I just have alot on my mind, sir." Ember sighed, then seized up again when she remembered this man was a T.O. and could mark her off for anything. "Not saying that I'm distracted. I'm completely focused on..." she stopped speaking when Reed started laughing.

"Man, Tim really did the number on you, didn't he? So suspicious."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Ember denied.

"Come on, you can tell me. How's Bradford as a T.O.?" Ember knew Reed was teasing her from his smile, and she finally relaxed.

"Aren't I supposed to get info on you, and not provide dirt on my T.O.?"

"I thought I was your T.O.'' Reed feigned being hurt.

"Fine, I won't be giving you, my new T.O., info on my T.O. Happy?"

"Extremely." They laughed and continued patrolling. They talked about everything.

"I don't get why Tim would say you're difficult."

Ember raised her eyebrow, "Why do I get the feeling that's not the word he used when talking about me?"

"Eh...I plead the fifth." Reed chuckled nervously. Ember gave him a small smile and looked out the window.

"You should know, if he didn't believe you're worth the effort, he wouldn't be so hard on you."

"That makes no sense but somehow also makes sense." Ember scrunched her face in thought.

"Well, Tim's a good guy. He's just been going through tough times."

Ember knew she was treading in dangerous waters, but she was too curious for her own good.

"Do these tough times involve Isabel?"

Reed froze, his eyes widening. "I'm surprised he told you about her." He finally said after recovering from the shock.

"He didn't tell me. I met her during my shift on my second day, then again on the day Bradford came back after getting shot."

"Mhmm...I wonder why he didn't tell me." Reed looked deep in thought.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pry." Ember said apologetically.

"It's okay. It's not like I told you anything." Reed smiled, "he plays this tough guy act so well sometimes, I forget he's still hurting from her departure. But now he has you, so I'm not as worried."

"The man does not have me." Ember replied quickly, Reed smirking.

"Sure he doesn't." He winks at her, laughing when she goes on a word rampage of insults


"So, how's the new T.O.?" Ember asked Chen while eating their lunch near the food truck.

"She's...not what I expected." Lucy replied, picking at her meal.

"If anyone can handle the unexpected, it's you, love." Ember side hugged her friend, giving her the biggest smile. The girls continued chatting, before Bradford rushed towards their table.

"Officer Chen, give us a moment." Bradford demanded, never taking his eyes off his rookie.

"Uhm...sure." Chen, confused at what was happening, walked off to join Nolan and West.

"What can I do for you, Officer Bradford?" Ember getting a déjà vu moment of her T.O. disrupting her meal.

"You must be enjoying this." Bradford spoke through gritted teeth.

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