Chapter 10

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Looking at the mess of clothes around her apartment, Ember was beginning to think she might have overestimated her wardrobe. As far as the eye could see, cargo shorts and vests, leather pants and combat boots. A few fun dresses, but nothing that screamed dinner party.

Ember, sitting in the middle of the chaos, grabs the nearest boot and throws it at the last few boxes she hadn't unpacked. The boxes tumbled and she flinched at the sound. Exhausted with the whole situation, she started cleaning up her apartment, and as she was finishing up with the fallen boxes, Ember notices one in particular, and immediately recognizes Reggie's penmanship on the side of the box.

When did she give me this? Ember thought as she opened the box and gasped as she pulled out its contents.

When did she give me this? Ember thought as she opened the box and gasped as she pulled out its contents

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It was a draping black mermaid party dress with a high split with open toed heels of the same colour. Ember was in awe with the outfit, she almost missed the note nested at the bottom.

My darling,

If you're anything like me, your closet is all work and pyjamas, but every person should have an outfit that takes people's breath away. I couldn't find such a thing for you, because you're always burning bright like the dying embers of a collapsing nebula, but I figured this comes close.

I love you so much,


P.S., if you tell Marina I signed with my birth name, I'll sick her on you😊

Ember laughed, enjoying Reggie's antics. She raised the dress again and laid along her front to look at it better in a long length mirror.

It's perfect, she thought.

As Ember got dressed, and putting on some finishing touches, she heard a knock. She looked at the time, noticing that Bradford was a bit early. She smirked as she went to open the door.

"I didn't think you'd be this eager to go to the party. Or perhaps you just wanted to see what I'm wearing...Oh!" Ember started talking, expecting it to be her T.O., but was surprised when she saw a stoic Chen.

"Lucy! I wasn't expecting you. Is something wrong?" Ember asked, wondering what her friend was doing at her apartment.

"Can I come in?" Lucy asked quietly. Ember, getting worried, quickly opened the door wide and let her in. She grabbed two glasses and poured, and one to Lucy, who downed it immediately.

"Are you okay?" Ember was concerned, not having spent a lot of time with Lucy lately. Lucy settled into the bar stool, and looked at Ember all dolled up.

"You look nice." Lucy said dryly. Ember raised her eyebrow at the delivery of the comment but went along with it.

"Thanks. Marina and Reggie are hosting a dinner party. Attendance is mandatory."

"And you're going with Bradford? You seem eager to show him your outfit." Lucy made a jab, referring to Ember's earlier words as she opened the door.

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