Chapter 5

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The next day, Ember sat next to her friends as Grey and Anderson briefed them on the missing person's case, Emma Vasquez. She knew she would feel bad for having such thoughts as she was a rookie, but Ember hoped they would be nearby when a potential call came in about Emma. Especially if it meant getting out of writing citations. The briefing wrapped up, and Ember waved her friends goodbye and rushed to get hers and her T.O.'s bags.

Wrigley greeted her and the two took off, driving for less than 30 minutes, and parking at a curb. Ember was just standing there, not knowing what to do exactly. She figured she might try to strike conversation with her T.O. Maybe a little heart to heart to really understand each other.

"Can I ask you a question?" She asked Wrigley who was writing a licence plate number in his pad, and he nodded at her.

"Do you like this kind of policing?"

Wrigley looked at his rookie, almost like he was expecting this question, "I like going home to my family. My kids like having a dad. Your training officer got shot, and you still don't realise how close to dying you came."

Ember was baffled by the accusation, "Of course, I do." Her voice slightly cracked.

Wrigley smiled and said, "And yet you're so anxious to get back out there, which means deep down, a part of you likes it." Ember just looked at her T.O., not knowing what to say. Does she defend herself saying that isn't the case at all? She sighs and silently sends a violent prayer for her original T.O. to come back to duty.

Some time passed till the radio in the car crackled. Bishop's voice is heard, requesting backup.Ember, hearing Chen and her T.O. responding, rushes to her radio.

"7-Adam-21 responding," she turns to Wrigley, "I'm going, whether you're in the car or not." Wrigley seemed to have an internal battle, and headed for the driver's seat, Ember following behind him.

They arrive at the location and Ember dashes out of the car, and into the house. Just as they got to the basement, Ember saw whom she assumed was the suspect escape through a narrow hole in the wall. Not waiting for her T.O, Ember slithers through and immediately pursues the man, Nolan and Chen not too far behind her.

The man leads the three to a cemetery. He falls over and Ember stops as well, drawing out her gun.

"Stay down!" She shouts, but to no avail, as the man quickly gets up and continues running, but not for long, as Bishop drives up and jumps out of the shop and holds him at gunpoint. Nolan tackles him and starts punching him. Chen and Bishop grab Nolan, and Ember drags out the suspects and cuffs him, pulling him up and handing him over to Bishop.

Bishop takes the suspect and Nolan to their shop and drives off, leaving Ember and Chen to walk back to where they left theirs. She turned and saw her friend seemed a little occupied, and figured this was the best time to check up on her.

"Hey, you okay?" Ember gave a small smile to her friend.

"Uh...yeah, it's just been a draining day, you know?" Chen tried to smile back, but Ember saw right through it.

"Well, look on the bright side, we saved that girl, and put away a bad guy. We gotta celebrate the small victories. But I get the feeling that's not the only draining thing on your mind, is it?"

"What are you talking about?" Chen tried feigning ignorance, hoping her friend would drop it.

"I saw Bishop talking to you a couple of times, just wanted to make sure she wasn't bullying you. Cause I will show her a thing or two, if that's the case." Ember started doing a few fighting poses to show how serious she was, but it was hard because both girls were laughing.

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