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"You ungrateful bastard. After everything I have done for you, this is how you repay me?"

Ember dropped her luggage by the front door, after finally giving in to the temptation of answering back to Mickey, her good-for-nothing stepfather. She'd been silently packing her belongings all morning, ignoring all the quips and backhanded insults thrown her way. She was done with this life and she wasn't going to give this pathetic excuse of a man a reason to rile her up. But then she hears those few accusative words and she couldn't take it anymore.

"What the hell did you just say to me?" Ember's eyes blazing with the fury she was more than happy to unleash on Mickey.

"I ain't done nothing but support your mama and you two brats from the get go, and when I ask to be compensated in a small way, you go ahead and blow it, like the selfish bitch you are!" Mickey grabs the closest item to him, which happens to be a vase and throws it at Ember, who ducks in time to avoid the impact.

Having had enough of this madness, Ember matches straight to Mickey and kicks him square in the chest. He's knocked back into his recliner chair, and before he could react, Ember held a small pocket knife to his throat.

"Now you listen to me, you sorry piece of shit. I owe you nothing. Not after you drained my father's savings, nor our college funds, and especially not after trying to pimp me off to your so called gang friends just so you can afford a fucking 6 pack. Support us?" Ember scoffed, "You terrorized us. Terrorized me! I'm 14 freaking years! I shouldn't be able to wield a knife this well, but I had to learn so that I could protect myself in this house when you are out and about and one of your friends decided to get fresh with me. I shouldn't have a detective's number memorized, in fear that I'll come back home to my sister or mother suffering the consequences of your continuous horrible decisions."

Ember finally releases Mickey from her grip and steps back. She looks up to see her sister and mother just staring at the two. Perhaps it was the serene feeling that she would probably never see them again, or maybe it was the adrenaline from cursing out Mickey, but the next thing Ember noticed herself doing was pointing her knife at her mother.

"You are just as guilty as this useless man here. You let him into our lives, you saw the way he treated us, treated me, and you stood by, and don't give me that crap about not being able to leave or you're terrified," Ember quickly added when she saw her mother about to interject into her monologue, "You let him do this things, and get away with it. Locking me in my room, using me as a punching bag, starving me, stealing my hard-earned money and then punishing me for hiding it from the lot of you. You're many things Chrissy, but you ain't a mother. A vanity driven, sadistic human being, but not a mother."

Ember finally turned to the last person and in the room. Amber Ross, her big sister. She saw the way Amber was somewhat tense, as though awaiting judgment from Ember, which she gladly gave.
"I have no words for you. You're the perfect combination of personalities for this pathetic excuse of a man, and the narcissistic woman next to you. Keep it up, you'll end up dead, if you're lucky."

With that, Ember grabs her luggage, walks out of the prison she had called home for so long and waits for her ride, which didn't take more than 2 minutes to arrive.

With that, Ember grabs her luggage, walks out of the prison she had called home for so long and waits for her ride, which didn't take more than 2 minutes to arrive

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The black Ford Crown Vic kicked up the dust as it halted suddenly. Out stepped someone that made Ember smile. Detective Hannah Davis. Her guardian angel. Her literal life line when push came to shove.

"I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." The brunette walked towards the young girl.

"Perfect timing actually. Had to finish tying up some loose ends anyway." Ember lifts her bags and heads toward the car. As she finished loading the trunk, she closed and turned to Hannah.

"Shall we?" Ember outstretches her hand to the open road. Hannah nodded, but was stopped at the sound of glass breaking. The two back and see Mickey holding two more bottles in his hand.

"You're mistaken if you think you're gonna drag that little bitch off my property. Last I checked, she's my ward." Mickey smugly said. Hannah smirks at Mickey's tone, and slowly brandishes her badge and gun.

"Now, now Mr. Jones. Do you really want to get in a fight with me? Drag this issue back to headquarters for endangering a minor? Tell me, if I called in the cavalry to search up your property, would you sleep in your bed tonight?" The longer Hannah spoke, the more terrified Mickey looked. He squints in Ember's direction, and flips her off.

"You step back on my property, I'll make sure it's the last thing you hear me?" Ember could clearly hear the fear underlined in Mickey's threat.
"Whatever." She flips him back and steps into the car. Hannah sizes up Mickey one last time then jumps into the car and starts off.

She throws subtle glances at the young ward in her car, but clearly she wasn't doing a good job of it.

"If you want to say something, just say it." Ember smiled lazily at Hannah.

Hannah debated telling Ember the truth. Despite everything she had endured, she was still a child.

"If you're conflicted about telling me something just because you think I'm a kid, don't bother. I'm going to find out eventually. My godmothers have no filter, and at least from you, you'll give it to me straight and not go on a monologue about what gods to sacrifice my enemies to."

Hannah laughed at this, and figured it couldn't hurt to let Ember know just what was ahead.

"Your fight is far from over. I know your godmothers have gone over the top to ensure your protection, but you might need more." Ember tilted her head in thought, then smirked at Hannah.

"If you're saying what I think you're saying, they definitely have to promote you to Recruiting."

Julia Voth as Hannah Davis

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Julia Voth as Hannah Davis

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