Chapter 11

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Ember was more than certain Bradford could hear her heartbeat. She took a step back and collected her breath. She looked at his teasing smile.

"I suppose you don't look too bad yourself." Ember tried to sound nonchalant, but clearly failed when she saw his smile widening. She had to end whatever this was between them.

"Uhm...we should probably head out now."

Bradford nodded and held the door open for Ember. The two walked to Bradford's car and after asking for the directions, they were off.

"So, are you going to tell me why I found you on the floor?"

Ember, still embarrassed that her superior saw her like that, but figured he deserved to know, considering he was the main topic of the feud.

"Lucy came over not too long before you arrived. She's dealing with some things and she tried to dump her frustrations on me, but it's been handled."

"Mhmm...and what exact frustrations did she come with?"

"You're not gonna drop it, are you?" Bradford stopped the car and looked at Ember.

"I just want to make sure I'm not delivering a trainwreck to Marina tonight." He hissed at her.

"Trainwreck? Last time I checked, people don't flirt with trainwrecks." Ember huffed.

"If what happened back at your apartment is what you consider flirting, I feel sorry for your past lovers."

"Screw you, I am an amazing lover." Ember replied, but quickly realised what she blurted out, "Which is something my married T.O. shouldn't have to know." Her voice lowered with every word she spoke.

Bradford wondered why she specifically said married. He stared at his rookie, recalling how her earlier mood was most likely due to Chen. Anyone who didn't have prior info on what was going on tonight, they'd think Ember and him are on a date...


"Did Chen accuse you of going on a date with your married superior?"

Bradford saw how Ember froze at his words. He sighed, "I know you know this isn't a date. I hope the same message was given to Chen as well."

"She understood, like I said earlier, she's just going through some stuff." Ember said, hoping to end the conversation quickly and get the night over with. Luckily, Bradford dropped it and drove them off, and soon enough, they arrived at Ember's childhood home.

Ember pressed the buzzer by the door, Bradford's looming presence right behind her.

"Anything I should be aware of?" Ember wanted to laugh at the question, as though he was collecting intel on a suspect, but decided otherwise.

"Marina probably won't badger you with questions till her fourth glass of wine, so take note of her intake to time your escapes. Reggie is alright, and I believe you two will get along swimmingly."

"Why's that?"

"She's a pain in the ass too." Ember cocked her head to the side to give her T.O a dashing smile. Bradford gave her a deadpanned look, but before he could come up with something, the door swung open.

"Hmm...I was half expecting you to skip the whole thing." Reggie's voice resonated deeply. Ember engulfed her and stepped to the side to allow Bradford to be fully in view.

"Reggie, this is Officer Tim Bradford, my training officer. Sir, this is Reginald Jude, my other godmother."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." Bradford offered a handshake.

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