Chapter 2

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"This is your shop. Do not call it a car. It's where you work. Check the exterior for damages. Any nick, scraps or dents, log them in. Has the suspect left anything? Money? Drugs?" Bradford stops his lecture when he sees his rookie just standing idle.

"Why aren't you taking notes, Officer Ross? You think I'm impressed because you can hold your own in a fight? Every police officer is supposed to, it's not anything special." Ember felt her face becoming red from embarrassment, and took out her pad and started writing down everything Bradford had said.

He continued to list down all the necessary procedures, which she wrote and completed without a hitch. The two get into the shop.

"Log in to the computer, put in our serial number, and test the lights and sirens." Bradford looked at Ember listening to his instructions. He notices how her face was still a little red from earlier, making him smile internally.

"Finally, check yourself. You're about to hit the street with a loaded handgun and have no idea what happens next." Ember nodded and dusted herself slightly, signaling she was ready. The two started off on their patrol.

"So, why do you want to be a cop?"

Ember couldn't help but feel like this man was judging her with such a simple question. "Is this a trick question, sir?" She asked to test the waters.

"You want me to train you. I need to know why you're in this car."

'Well it's not like I pick you specifically to train me.' Ember thought to herself. She wasn't exactly ready to explain the real reason she joined the force, so she decided to go with a textbook answer.

"Well, growing up, I constantly felt hopeless. I figured there had to be a way to chan..." Before she could finish, the shop came to a screeching stop as Bradford slammed on the brakes.

"I've been shot!" Bradford yelled. "Wh - " Ember was so confused.

"Where are you, Boot?!" Having no idea what was going on, Ember just stared at her T.O.

"I'm bleeding to death. You have to call for help. Where are you?"

"Uh - "

"Where are you?!"

"Um - "

"Now I'm dead. It's your fault. Get out."

Ember stared at him in disbelief, "Excuse me?"

Bradford didn't even spare her a look, "Get out and walk. You can get back in when you know where you are." Realizing that he was dead serious, Ember gets out of the shop and starts walking.

A couple minutes passed by. Ember was stewing in her own frustrations. This day was not going the way she thought it would. Brad could easily see his rookie was deep in thought, and decided to mess with her a bit.

"You know where you are yet, Officer Ross? No? Then finish your story of why you became a cop. Here, I'll do it for you. You wanted to show everyone that you could play with the big boys, that you're no longer the scared little girl."

A vehicle behind them honks their horn. A small truck has stopped behind the patrol car; inside are three men who look like laborers singing along with the radio. Bradford got out of the patrol car and walked up to the driver of the truck.

"Gentlemen, I have an honest question for you. Were you grown in a petri-dish of stupid?"

"Por favor, no hablo ingles - (Please, I don't speak English -)" the driver tried explaining.

"Don't pull that crap with me." Bradford told the driver. Ember felt bad for the men, and decided to intervene.

"Licencia y registro, por favor. (License and registration please.)"

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