2. THE school itself

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I clicked on the school's name only to find no pictures. There was little to no information. The only other text I saw besides the phone number, was a sentence that read, 'School for the special, gifted, and talented in cursed energy.' Wonder who wrote that? I think sarcastically. However, I knew at the mention of cursed energy that I was getting somewhere. I got my phone out, ready to dial the number on the screen. I don't like calling people on the phone. Scratch that, I don't like calling people that I've never talked to face to face on the phone. I'm always worried I'll say something stupid, or how my voice sounds. But, this is a desperate situation, so I press the call button and wait for someone to pick up.

After about 3 rings, I hear the line click, and a woman's voice on the other end say, "Hello! Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School here! My name's Niko! How may I help you?" I didn't say anything for a long moment. What would I even say, 'Hi. I have this weird creature following me around and this weird cursed energy that's been around me for days. I was wondering if you could help with that?' That'd be so stupid. I guess my silence had been going on for a little too long because the women on the other end, Niko, said, "Hello?"

"Ah! Um-sorry. It's just, I didn't think someone would actually pick up." She laughed.

"Yes, well, believe it or not, we actually don't get a lot of calls, so you're lucky I was actually here to pick up. What is it you called about anyways?" I had to think real hard at what I wanted to ask her.

"Well, for starters, what kind of school are you?"

She didn't answer right away like she was trying to come up with an answer. "Were a very special school. We actually only have around 6-10 students at the moment." She said with a cheery voice. "You have to exude certain...talents to get in."

"ONLY 6-10!!" I accidentally yelled into the phone. I heard her wince. "Oh, sorry!" I apologized.

"It's quite alright. I don't blame you for being shocked. How did you discover our website anyways? It's one of the few places our number is available."

"Well, um, that's actually what I wanted to call you about."

"Is that right?"

"Yes. Umm, for the past few weeks, these's been this strange, I've found it to be called, cursed energy around me. It's everywhere I go. It seems to surround other people too, though not as much, and they don't seem to notice. Also, this morning, a weird creature was in my room. I was hoping you'd be able to explain it to me." She let out a gasp and made a long pause after hearing my explanation.

"I see." She said hesitantly. "I'd like for you to come in person and meet the principal of our school. I feel that that would be the best situation in order to explain your problem. I'll send you an address. When are you free?" I'm a little taken aback by her statement. I didn't think she'd invite me to the actual school.

"Well, school's out for the weekend, so, I could do tomorrow."

"Good. 10:00 sound nice?"

"Umm, yeah, I guess. But-" She didn't give me a chance to finish.

"And what was your name?" 

"Tachibana. Amane Tachibana."

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Tachibana. I'll meet you at the school's entrance tomorrow. Don't be late." Her voice sounded almost, cold at the end there. I heard the line click once more, indicating that she ended the call. Well, that wasn't strange at all. 


Nothing really happened for the rest of the day. I tested to see if my brother could see Maru and he couldn't. As I thought. So, not I'm riding the train, on my way to this Tokyo Curse school. It's pretty far. It's currently 9:26, so I'm glad I left early. Especially when I see what awaits me. 

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