6. Best Friends Forever

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I feel like I don't belong. I haven't always felt like this of course, not until recently. I haven't been able to call my parents or my best friend, Ino. I've made a new friend and I'm now attending a new school. But, why? What's it all for? To protect the innocent? The weak? And they have no clue that they're in danger in the first place. Are we supposed to just spend the rest of our lives protecting them? How is that fair?

I don't know how long it's been or why my thoughts were running wild like they were. I felt something cold on my back. Well, it's more like, I was laying on something cold. I shifted some, just to try and feel where I was. It felt like a long metal table. I heard a whimper and felt a nudge come from my left. I slowly opened my eyes. I looked to the side and saw a strange creature. What is that? Wait, I know what that is. It's Maru. Maru? Wait.

"Maru!" Owww. I got up way to fast. I looked around and saw Ieiri.

"Finally back from the dead?" She looked at me with a sorrowful look.

"Ieiri? What's going on?" I looked at her confused. She gave me a sad smile.

"You almost died. You nearly drained yourself of all your cursed energy. Luckily Geto was able to get you out of there safely. He said you saved him." I couldn't process what she was saying.

"I did?" I gave her a questioning look.

She gave a little chuckle at my expression.

"So, you don't remember I take it?" I still just looked at her.

"Well, don't worry about it. Just rest. I told Geto I'd let him know when you woke up." Before she could walk out of the door I called to her.

"Wait, what time is it?"

"Oh, it's about 2:30, three days later." She walked out and what she said finally processed.

"Three days!?!" She just nodded and walked out to get Geto.

I just sat in silence, staring at Maru. I picked him up with both hands and just gave him a look.

"You're just so cute." I snuggled closer to him. He nuzzled my face. I started to think about the last few days. Well, not counting the ones I was asleep. It's been pretty hectic. 

In the midst of my thinking, I heard the door bust open beside where I was sitting up on the table. I looked to my right and saw a wide eyed Geto do a once over of my body. 

"Uh, hi there." I gave him a little wave with my unoccupied hand. I saw him visibly relax. He closed his eyes and let out a long breath. He looked up at me, and he seemed to be trying to find the right words to say.

"You're one crazy sorcerer." He pulled a lop sided  smile and made his way over to me. I started to hop off of the table, but the second my feet hit the floor, I felt light headed and I felt someone rush over and grab my arm to hold me steady. Geto's strong grip ensured I wouldn't fall.

"Thanks, guess I shouldn't of gotten up so fast. Heh." I rubbed the back of my head. He just shook his head and released my arm when he realized I was good to stand on my own.

"If I'd of known you'd risk that much to save me, I probably would have left you with Niko to begin with." Maru flew around me and made a little growl sound. 

"What is it Maru?" I asked, looked down by my hand where he was.

"Come on out Satoru." I heard Geto say, and right after he said that, I saw a shadow morph into a white haired boy in the door way. I made a disgusted face.

"Don't worry, I'm just here to check on the new kid who saved this guy's butt. No need to get hostile. So call off your spirit, yeah?" He pointed towards Maru, who quite growling at the spike of energy coming from Gojo, but still gave him a death stare.

"So, you've seen me, now you can leave." I gave him a fake sweet smile. He just frowned and looked over to Geto with a Really? face.

"Actually, Yaga-sensei wanted me to tell you as soon as you were awake, that in two days, he's sending you and Satoru on a mission." Gojo sighed at Geto's words.

"But, I just woke up and," I made a hand gesture to Gojo, "this guy?" I gave Geto a pleading look. He just shrugged.

"Well, seems like I'll have to talk to Yaga-sensei, because in no way am I bringing an inexperienced curse user like you on a mission. Even if you did save my best friend's ass."

"Aww, you think we're friends?" Geto said in a fake cutesy voice.

"Shut up." Gojo said in an exasperated sigh as he walked away. I stuck my tongue out behind him.

"Yaga-sensei won't change his mind, but don't worry, Satoru's not the type to just let people die. It's not in his nature." Geto said in his normal voice.

"By the way, before you go back to your room to rest, I wanted to talk to you." He turned so he was completely facing me. "Thank you. For saving me. Even though I'm the more experienced one, I ended up making a rookie mistake that almost got both of us killed. But you saved us. I'll forever be grateful. And, since you're already friends with Shoko, you can call me Suguru. It'd feel weird having the person who saved my life calling me by my last name." I couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, you're just, goofy." He tilted his head with a little smile. "You can call me Amane." I held out my hand for him to shake.

"Alright Suguru, from now on, me and you, we're gonna be best friends forever." He gave me a funny look, but shook my hand regardless.

The image above is a visual of what Amane looks like.

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