10. Kohai

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The next day, instead of class, Yaga sensei gave us the day to prepare for our upcoming mission. So, I decided to take advantage of that and woke up bright and early. I threw on some sweats and went to the training field to work on my new technique.

After the events yesterday, Shuto didn't or wouldn't speak to me again. I ended up telling Yaga sensei and he said he'd take care of telling the higher-ups. I haven't heard anything since, so I guess everything's good for now.

It was about 7:00 in the morning, later than when I'd been waking up. I gripped the spear in my hand.

Okay Amane, you can do this!

I mentally cheered myself on. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. I tried feeling the flow of energy throughout me and the spear.

I felt a nudge at my side and looked down. Maru was giving me a pouty face. I guess after being forced to stay in my room most of the day yesterday, he's a little upset. I squat down and pat his head.

It's okay Maru. I'll make time today for you, I promise."

As long as you keep treating that curse as if it were a pet, it'll never get stronger.

I stood up quick and gripped the spear tightly.

Shuto! I thought you were never gonna talk to me again.

Well, considering you're my current master, I don't exactly have a choice.

What did you mean when you said Maru won't get stronger?

This is only a theory, but since you were able to summon me and technically your cursed energy isn't very high, it's more likely that you're subconsciously stealing cursed energy from around you to make up for your lack of it.

What! How is that possible? And does that mean I've been stealing it from my friends? Oh, I feel bad now!

Sigh. You humans and your curiosity. I don't know how it's possible. In all my time as a curse and being wielded as a cursed weapon, I've only ever seen sorcerers absorb curses, but never the energy surrounding them. And I don't believe you can take cursed energy from the sorcerers around you without willing it. At least it didn't seem that way. It seems you can only take it from objects around you such as trees, or from people that are unaware of the jujutsu world. You take the energy and filter it to match your own. That's how you were most likely able to create that small curse. However, it's possible that if you apply more cursed energy to it, it'll get stronger. All of this is only a theory though.

All I could do was stare into space. Trying to process his words made my head hurt.

"Umm, first of all, I have a name, and second of all could you repeat that? Not because I didn't understand it, of course, I just wanted to make sure I got it all." I put my hand on my hip and gave the spear a pointed look.

Well, considering you never told it to me, I wouldn't know, would I?

I felt my face heat up. "Well, surely you heard one of my friends say it yesterday."

It's still improper to not introduce yourself directly.

Well, he got me there. "I guess you're right. It's Amane."

Aren't you going to tell me your last name?

"You didn't tell me yours."

I don't have one.

"You had to have one at some point. You were human once. Besides, if we're going to be stuck with each other, then we might as well be friends right?"

Friends are an unnecessary constant between master and servant.

𝑯𝒊𝒔 𝑩𝒍𝒖𝒆 𝑺𝒌𝒚 (Gojo Satoru Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now