4. First day of class

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I'm sitting between Ieiri and the black-haired guy, whose name I learned was Geto Suguru. Yaga-sensei is currently scolding Gojo Satoru. That's the name of the white hair, pretty blue-eyed by that made fun of me. Called me weak. I mean he's not wrong but how much stronger could he possibly be?

"Now," Yaga-sensei finally spoke up, after giving Gojo a giant lump on the head, to which Gojo had his head toward the window, pouting, "if there are no more interruptions," he gives a pointed look towards Gojo, "I'd like to finally get started."

He turned around and began drawing diagrams and all kinds of definitions. I guess this was my lesson, so I tried to pay close attention. However, since the other three most likely knew, at least most of this information already, they didn't seem too interested. Neither of them tried talking to each other, or me, during the lesson either. Before I knew it, it was 8:00. I'm glad Ieiri let me borrow a notebook and pencil from her desk, so I could jot the important stuff down. Although, it doesn't seem like she's going to miss it much. There's not a single note taken by her in here. It was also kind of dusty when she pulled it out.

"Just dust it a little." Those were the only words she had spoken to me the whole time.

"Well, looks like one of you is studious in their academic studies." Yaga gave a hard glare to the other three, then looked at me expectantly.

"I hope you were paying attention because I basically summed up all of jujutsu in one lesson. However, that's not everything because summing it up in such a short amount of tie is impossible. Although, since your circumstances are quite different, we can skip over that."

"You're so lucky! We basically spent our whole first year in this classroom." I heard Gojo groan from his seat.

If Yaga-sensei wanted to say something he didn't.

"Anyways, before I release you into the wild, there's actually one more thing I want to discuss with you all. Tachibana didn't grow up with jujutsu like you all did. So I want you to help her and guide her along the way." Ieiri gave a thumbs-up, Geto nodded his head, and Gojo just sighed.

"Also, while she is currently a grade 4, Tachibana's power could become very powerful if she learns to wield it properly." At this, the other three students sat up straighter. Even Gojo. 

"I've never seen a power exactly like what she has, so I don't know what to call it. It seems to be closely related to your curse manipulation Geto." He looked up, listening more closely.

"She doesn't seem to absorb cursed energy like you can. It's almost like she created it. Well, it's more like she's subconsciously filtering the cursed energy around her. I guess in that sense, it's also more similar to Shoko's reversed technique. I think that's also how that curse was born." He pointed to Maru, who had now awoken from his nap on my desk and was hovering above it.

"That is a lowly shapeshifting curse, killed unintentionally by you," he points at me, "and it was also brought back to life in its original form by you. Albeit now it's cursed energy is tied to you as well, which means it's life is your life. Meaning, that if you die, so does it, but if it dies, you could probably just create it again. Although, it seems to also have no interest in attacking humans and seems to follow you everywhere." Yaga takes a moment to catch his breath.

"And so, that leads me to my point. Geto, I'm sending you on a mission today. I want you to bring Tachibana. Gojo, Shoko, you two are going to be doing something else. Geto, I'll have Niko send you the details. Class dismissed." Yaga-sensei stepped out without another word. I'm still trying to process everything. I tried to write things down, but he was talking quickly. Shoko must've noticed my uneasiness because she reached over and grabbed my shoulder.

"Don't worry Amane, you're a whole lot less likely to die if you're with Geto rather than Gojo."

I think Geto noticed my not-so-calm expression and said, "Um, Shoko, I think you made her even more uneasy."

"Yeah, and there's no way she'd be safer with him, I'm the strongest." I gave him a hard glare.

"For someone who considered themselves strong, you sure like to pick on the weak."

"It's what I do best." He stands up and just shrugs my comment off.

"Why you-" I was standing from my seat to give him a piece of my mind when Geto stood up and blocked him from my view. I didn't notice how tall he was sitting down before, but wow.

"Now, now. Gojo, could you be a little more discreet, she's new to the jujutsu world you know. And she's not allowed to see her family, cut her some slack." He was now facing him, to which Gojo just shrugged. Then, Geto realized his phone was vibrating in his pocket. He picked it up and spoke a few words to the person on the other end.

"Yeah, okay." He lifted the phone away from his ear and hung up. He turned back towards my.

"That was Niko. She's waiting out front with the car. She's going to drive us to a part of the city that's been having problems with a pile-up of curses. My guess is, there's a graveyard underneath the newly constructed buildings."

He was looking directly at me now, and I could really see all of his features. He's actually pretty hot. I shook my head to stop my thinking before he could notice the growing blush.

"Come on Tachibana, I'll tell you more about controlling your cursed energy in the car. It's going to be a fairly long drive." He slid open the door and waited for me to go first.

I began to walk out the door when I heard Ieiri say, "Good luck Amane! I know you'll do great." I smiled at her, grateful for her confidence in me to fill the lack of mine. And for some strange reason, I looked back at Gojo. I don't know why, to expect some encouraging words maybe? But I should've known better. He noticed me looking and stuck out his tongue. And so, I stuck mine out right back at him. I heard Geto chuckle from beside me, watching me stomp my way out of the classroom. He shut the door and caught up with me.

"You know, I think you and Satoru are gonna be really good friends." I just gave him a bewildered look. He looked down at me.

"Never in your life." I guess my expression was funny or something because he doubled over in laughter.

"Uhh, what's so funny?" I gave him a confused look. He just kept laughing. Well, it's more like he couldn't stop.

"Yup, definitely gonna be best friends." He mumbled between laughs.


We're in the car, on the way to a construction site where cursed spirits are said to have been.

Niko said it'd be about a 30-minute ride. So now I was sitting in the back with Geto. I could smell him from where I was on the left side of the car. He smelled nice. If I had to describe it, I'd say it was incense, with a hint of sandalwood. He must've noticed me looking at him, which I didn't even notice I was doing, and raised one of his eyebrows. I quickly looked away embarrassed. 

"Cursed energy flows through your body like water." He spoke up a few minutes later. "It's best, when learning to control your cursed energy, to start by focusing it on a fixed point. Like your hands. Can you try it? It's okay if you don't get it the first time."

I remember Yaga-sensei talking about this. I closed my eyes and imagined the energy around me, flowing. It wasn't hard to imagine since I've been seeing it for the past few weeks. I tried focusing all of it in my hands. It felt like only a little at first so I pushed hard. Until I realized that it felt like my hands were getting heavy, but it still didn't feel like enough, so I tried to push more.

I was about to open my eyes to ask Geto if I did it right, or did it at all for that matter, when I suddenly felt him grasp my hands in each of his, his seatbelt off, and his whole body leaned up against me. I was about to ask him what gives when I noticed the almost terrified look on his face. Almost. I then looked in the rearview mirror and saw complete terror on Niko's face.

"Umm, are you guys good?"

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