5. Geto Suguru

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I don't know why I bothered asking. They clearly were not good. Niko eventually composed herself and returned all her attention back towards the road, albeit still a bit warry.

I looked back at Geto, who was still pressed up against me. I felt my face flush.

"Umm.." I started but ended up trailing off. Noticing my reluctance to speak he looked down and let out an 'Oh, sorry' like he was just now realizing how close we were. Is that a slight tinge of pink on the tips of his ears? Naw, impossible.

After Geto composed himself, he began to speak, "Your cursed energy, in your hands, first of all you did do it, and on your first try at that." He paused. "But, nearly, ALL of your cursed energy was condensed to your hands. You could've blasted a hole through the car, or worst case scenario, explode all of us to smithereens." After he finished, it took me a second to realize, that that was why he suddenly grabbed my hands. After realizing this, I looked down in embarrassment and utter shame. Almost like he can read my mind, Geto spoke up next.

"It's nothing to feel ashamed of. Actually, it's an early sign that you have powerful cursed energy. Although, it's almost like you subconsciously hide how strong it actually is, so as not to attract danger. Fascinating. Wait till Satoru and Shoko hear about this."  He leaned back in his seat, he looked like he was already planning the perfect way to tell them and that worried me.


Before you know it, we're at the location of the multiple curse sitings. All of them should be grade 3 or lower, nothing too crazy. After placing a barrier around the area, Niko wished us good luck and stayed behind with the car. I was tempted to stay with her, but I opted not to.

I was following Geto through a half-built building. It looked like it was going to be some kind of spa or something. 

"How come we haven't run into any curses yet?" I remember Yaga-sensei saying that the lower a curses' grade is, the dumber they are. So I figured they would've rushed us already.

"I'm not sure. But don't let your guard down." Not even 20 seconds went by after he said that when two medium-sized curses crashed through the wall next to us. I heard Geto mutter a'shit' and then I felt him push me behind him.

"Curse manipulation technique." He said, and these weird worm-looking things popped out of the ground. The other two curses were an ugly shade of grayish-black and they kind of looked like nasty goblins. They made weird noises. Geto then rushed forward with his own set of curses by his side.

I watched on in awe. This was my first time seeing a sorcerer in action. His two curses swiftly fended off one of the attacks by the goblins. Once his worm curses recovered, they made ready to initiate their own attack. While the goblins were still recovering from being dodged, the worms took this moment to each open their mouths and each go on top of one goblin curse. However they didn't initially swallow them. They looked like they were waiting for Geto.

"It's alright. You can go ahead and eat them. They're not worth absorbing." I remember Yaga sensei talking about how his cursed technique works, but I still looked to him with confusion.

He chuckled and said, "I usually absorb certain curses if I think they'd be a good addition to my arsenal. But these were merely grade 4 curses, not worth the pain and disgust of eating them."

"Wait, you actually take them in your mouth and like, chew them up?" I made an 'ew' sound and cringed.

"No, actually, I swallow them whole." I must've made an even more disgusted face because he started laughing. I ended up laughing along with him.

In the midst of our laughter, we didn't notice the rumbling sound coming from behind me until the last second. I turned around and a giant four legged curse burst through the door.

The impact was so close it caused me to fall back a few feet.

"Amane!" I heard Geto scream my name and run towards the curse who was getting ready to attack. He summoned some different curses and jumped on the bigger curse. Then he stopped. He watched the curses he summoned attack the larger curse for a second.

"No way."

"Geto, what's wrong?" I ask as I finally get up from my sitting position.

"It's a grade 1 curse! It's not supposed to be here!" He said with an almost panicked voice. I know he's a grade 1 sorcerer so I don't really know why he's all that worried. Then he looks back to me for a second as if he's thinking. I felt something nudge my arm and I looked down. Maru!?

"What are you doing? I left you in the car for a reason! How did you even get past the barrier? It doesn't matter, I'll find out later." I focus back on Geto and the curse, which at this point has defeated his smaller curses.

"Amane, get back." I do as he asks and step back, not wanting to get in the way. I grabbed Maru and held him tight. I know it's not like he can protect me, but he makes me feel safe.

I watch from a safe distance as he summons a larger curse, one I'm assuming is more powerful than the other two. This one was also a giant worm. He made a hand motion for it to advance and it did. 

"Don't eat it. I want to try to absorb this one." He began to advance forward. But something didn't seem right. His worm spirit seemed to be struggling to hold onto the curse. Before I could voice my concerns, the curse inside of the worm's mouth used an attack to propel himself forward toward Geto. It was too quick for him to react, and he ended up getting smashed through two walls over. Rubble caused the room to disappear and I felt some get into my eyes, causing me to close them for a brief moment.

Once the rubble cleared, I reopened my eyes and coughed. "Geto!" I didn't hear anything for a second and then I heard the curse make some rumbling noise. I ran through one wall, worried for Geto. I saw him trying slowly get back up, but the curse opened his mouth and I could see cursed energy gather together. He's not gonna make it in time! 

And then I had a crazy idea. So crazy, it might work. I hope it works. 

I finally released Maru from my death grip. He whimpered and looked at me with worry. I just gave him a smile and a quick head rub. I looked back to the curse and made my way behind him. I closed my eyes and focused on the cursed energy flowing through my body. I tried focusing it all into my hands. I felt my hands begin to feel heavy. So heavy in fact, that I was struggling to hold them up. But I couldn't just let him get hurt or killed, while I'm standing right here with a way to do something about it. I opened my eyes and held my hands up, aiming toward the curse.

"Hey!" It stopped gathering cursed energy and looked back at me. Geto was also looking back in surprise.

"Geto! You might want to move over!" He quickly (as fast as he could in his state) moved to the side. Just in time too, because I let out all of the energy in my hands. It turned into a bright beam of light, and it was so strong that it pushed me back a few feet. It completely disintegrated the curse. When the cursed energy finally ran out. I let out a heavy breath I didn't realize I was holding. I let my arms fall. I was breathing heavily. I looked to Geto, who had a look of shock. I felt the world spin and I felt my head fall side to side. No, please don't pass out!

"Sorry," I said to Geto, "guess you won't be able...to......absorb.......him." I felt all my functions cease, and my vision darkened, with the last image being Geto standing up and rushing towards me.

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