12. A friend's call

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"Are you crying?" Satoru, does it look like she's crying? I knew he was saying it just to get under her skin, but really, right after you just basically blew up this house and almost crushed her with it? I gave him a Really? look.

"No! I'm not crying! Be more polite!" The girl he referred to as Utahime responded. I like her already.

"You-" Before Utahime could say anymore, another voice interrupted her. It was a girl with light blue hair, parted in the middle. She looked very sophisticated and mature, however, she couldn't have been that much older than us.

"If I was crying, would you console me? I'd definitely like that." Her voice was husky and defiantly didn't sound like that of a teenager. She glanced over at me and smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile like you would when you'd greet someone, it was almost a sarcastic smile, like she was wondering why someone like me was here.

"But you wouldn't cry Mei, you're strong." Satoru responded. I don't think that's the best thing he could have said in this situation.

"Is that so?" Mei said as she walked closer to our location.

"Gojo! You listen to me! I don't need your help!" Right when she got the words out, a giant curse sprouted up behind Utahime. Even I was a little shocked and scared. She turned around fearfully, only for it to be caught in the mouth by an even larger curse.

"Is that, Sugu's? " I said shakily while pointing my finger at the giant curse.

"Who else? You must be that transfer student we've been hearing about, the one with the unknown curse technique. I trust that you won't be an issue later on. Of course, with your current state, you couldn't hurt a fly.~" Mei looked down at where I was still crouched and although she was smiling, it was still a little menacing. Before I could rebuttal, a leg moved in my line of view. I looked up to see that it belonged to Satoru. He was still smiling, however it seemed he shifted his body more.

"Don't swallow it. I'll absorb it later. Satoru, it's not nice to pick on the weak." I looked down to see Sugu walking out of the shadow of the two curses. When did he even get down there?

"Okay, but what kind of idiot picks on the strong!" I hate to say it, but he has a point.

That he does.

Shuto! You stay out of this, and how are you even able to talk to me!

You summoned me with your cursed energy. Therefore, I'm a manifestation of your cursed energy. You can summon me anytime you wish. Even that little thing you keep around can be summoned.

That thing has a name and it's Maru. Also, stop listening to my conversations and my friends. I don't completely trust you yet.

It's not something I can control, but, very well.

All of a sudden, it's like a giant cloud moved away from my mind and is now letting the sunshine. It's hard to describe. I focused back on the conversation at hand.

"Ah he he. You're the one naturally fanning the flames Geto." Mei snickered. Why do I have a feeling that this girl is gonna be hard to get along with?

"Utahime! You okay!" Ieiri poped up next to me. I finally stood up next to her after realizing my legs were starting to hurt.

"Shoko!" Utahime's face lit up all of a sudden.

"I was so worried about you! We hadn't heard from you for two whole days."

"Shooookoooo!" Utahime ran up and hugged her.

"Shoko! Don't let yourself turn out like those two.!

"He he. I'm not trash like they are."

"Couldn't agree more." I spoke up. This caused Utahime to turn around.

"I'm Tachibana Amane. Nice to meet you." I bowed politely and looked up to see Utahime smiling. 

"Finally! Someone else who aren't those two!" She hugged me tightly.

"And I never will be." Utahime let me go and we looked over to Shoko who finished her statement.

"Don't let yourself turn out like Utahime!" Satoru made out like he was only talking to Suguru, but he defiantly was being loud on purpose so we'd notice.

"Ahh, shut up." Thank you Sugu. For not entertaining his ridiculousness for once.

"Huh? Wait two days?" Utahime gave a confused look.

"Ah. Was the cursed boundary one of those that messes with time? They're rare, but they do happen now and then." Satoru actually said something meaningful. I can't believe it. "It is odd it took so long since Mei was with ya." Annnnd there it is. The indirect insult.

"That would make sense."

"Something wrong?"

"Not really. But actually, that means it involved two full days of labor. So I was just thinking of how to rewrite the invoice of fees now owed to me."

"She's planning to overcharge again."

"More importantly, what about, the veil?" Mei tilted her head and smiled and I looked at all three of them and turned and crossed my arms.

"Hate to say I told ya so, but, I told ya so." I sighed deeply, knowing how much trouble we were about to be in. Utahime looked around confused.


As we made our way down the mountain, I sighed at the long day we've had. I was lingering behind, and when I looked up, I noticed all five of them having a good time, laughing together. They must've know each other a long time. I smiled silently. All of a sudden, I felt a vibration coming from my pocket. I reached down nd pulled out my phone, flipping it up revealing Ino's name. My face lit up and I quickly answered.

"Ino! It's been a while!"

"Amane! How dare you not contact me for over three whole months!"

"I'm sorry, it's just, this new school is really strict with outside contact."

"I guess I understand. Isn't it some school in the mountains? Your parents didn't tells me too much about it, but they say that they haven't been able to contact you much either and the times they have been able to, it's always been static. I bet you guys don't get good reception."

"Yeah, it's pretty weird. I really do miss you though."

"Wanna hang out?"

"I can't right now, but when I have a free day, you'll be the first to know!"

"Alright, I'll hold you to that. Good luck!"

"Thanks Ino! You have no idea how great and a relief it's been to talk to you again, even for a short moment."

"Anytime. Till we meet again. Adios!" *click* After I heard the sound of the call ending, I pulled my phone from my ear grinning. Once I pocketed the phone, I noticed that I was almost at the bottom of the large staircase. Once I finally stepped off the last step, I looked up to see Ieiri, Suguru, and Satoru waiting for me by the car.

"Hurry up! Utahime and Mei have already left! I want to go eat some food before Yaga sensei gives us another lecture about forgetting about the veil!" Satoru waved his arm to usher me to hurry up.

"Coming!" I think everything will turn out fine.

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