14. Riko Amanai

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"Amane, c'mere for a sec!" Satoru waved me over with his hand while he focused on his phone. I sighed and trudged over, glancing at the Q member tied up against the tree. Honestly, I don't even know why he needed to be tied up. There really was no point. The guy looks like he'll be out of commission for a while.

"Let's take a photo to send to Suguru." He said as he pulled my arm so my body fit in the frame of the photo on his phone better. He held up a peace sign and I followed. While his smile was big, mine was shaky.

After he sent it, we made our way to the hotel room where the vessel and Suguru were.

"Say, Satoru, how come you always go overboard like that with bad guys?" I asked as we rode the elevator to the upper floors. He looked at me for a second before answering.

"It's just easier than holding back." He laughed. I looked at him in confusion.

"Of course, you'd say something like that."

"You're one to talk. Without me there, you would've been skewered."

"You're right, you're right. Thanks, Satoru for being my human shield."

"Huh! Amane saying thank you? Never thought I'd see the day." 

"Hey! I'm not so heartless to not recognize when someone's saved me and not say thank you. And you did save me and I'm being serious. Thanks." I looked up at him through my lashes. Because of his glasses, I couldn't see his eyes, but his smile was gone and he was just staring at me. I was grateful for the ding of the elevator letting us know we'd arrived at our floor, because the second it went off, I was out of there, leaving Satoru to stand there.


"Should we get her to a doctor?" Satoru asked, looking down at Riko Amanai. Aka, the star plasma vessel. He was holding her in his arms. It irritated me a little, but I didn't really notice since I was worried for her as well.

"It's times like this I wish I could use reversed curse energy like Shoko can," Suguru spoke up while also staring at her.

"Yeah, that's impossible. I can't understand a word she says when she's talking about it."

"Oh, you're awake." I looked away from the gaping hole in the room to see her staring up at Satoru like he was a ghost.

"AHHHHHH!" All of a sudden, she started yelling and landed a good slap on the left side of his face, causing him to drop her. It was actually pretty funny, so I ended up laughing.

"You scum! If you think you're ready to kill me, you better be ready to die first!"

"Please calm down Riko. You have it all wrong, we're not members of the group that attacked you earlier." Suguru approached with a smile.

"He's right. We're here to hel-UGH!" I started to approach her as well, but before I knew it, her fist landed right on my nose, causing me to stumble back. I heard laughter from behind and saw Satoru laughing as I tried to stop the blood from pouring out of my nose.

"You're all liars! It's written all over your faces! And what's up with those crazy bangs!" She pointed to Suguru. Oh no, it is not a good idea to insult Sugu's hairstyle.

Before I knew it, they had her stretching her out like she was a roll of dough.

"This is disrespectful!" She kept yelling, and then the elevator dinged, revealing a woman lying on one of Sugu's cursed spirits.

"Kuroi!" Riko yelled before they dropped her on the ground. I decided to go to the bathroom to find some tissues for my nose. I was still a little angry at her for punching me like that and wanted to try to calm down. Although, I guess I can't blame her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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