13. Star Plasma Vessel

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"Next up, yesterday's large explosion...." The anchor lady's voice sounded very calm and monotone considering a whole building exploded and got destroyed. It also didn't help the atmosphere right now.

"You four were supposed to oversee the mission at that home. Also, you left your assistant supervisor behind. And on top of everything you forgot the viel. Who's to blame?" You could feel the stone-cold air radiating off of Yaga sensei. We were all seated on our knees in front of him in the classroom. I was seated next to Ieiri on her right, while Satoru was on her left and Sugu was on the other side of him. We all automatically pointed to Satoru at Yaga sensei's question.

He closed in on himself, before raising his hand.

"Sensei! I'm asking you to stop this hunt for the culprit!"

"So it was you then." I'm pretty sure Yaga sensei could've ruled out it was Satoru's fault whether we ratted him out or not. But it was still satisfying to watch his head get bonked for not listening to me.

After a short lecture, Yaga sensei released us, and we made our way to the school gym. Upon opening the door, you could literally see the dust floating in the air. Makes sense, since this school has like, virtually no students. I waved my hand in front of me, thinking that would stop the dust from causing me to sneeze. Of course, it didn't.

"*ah-choo* Geez, do they ever clean this place?" I asked no one in particular as I wiped my nose.

"Ew! Get your snotty germs away from me. Shoo, shoo." Satoru said as he waved his hand in a shooing motion as he back up.

"Well, considering the jujutsu world is so tight-lipped, it's not safe to hire people to clean this place. But I can understand your frustration." Sugu spoke up, as we went into the gym closet and emerged with a basketball.

After finding some toilet paper to wipe my nose in the restrooms, I emerged to find Suguru and Satoru on the gym floor with Shoko. 

"Is a veil even really necessary in the first place?" Satoru asked, as he bounced the basketball on the ground.

Shoko sat next to him messing with his glasses. I walked up to her and crouched down next to her.

"Ooo, can I try looking through them? I've always wondered what they were like." She took them off and handed them to me. They were to big for my head, so I had to hold them up with my hands. They were so dark, I couldn't hardly see out of them.

"Not like it matters if normies see it or not right? They can't see cursed techniques or cursed spirits anyway." Satoru laid back. I handed his glasses back to Shoko. What he said kind of irritated me since I was a 'normie' not that long ago.

Sugu jumped up and caught the ball he threw.

"But it's not good if they do see them. The strongest deterrent against the outbreak of a cursed spirit is the mental calm of the populace. That's exactly why we have to conceal the threats they can't even see as much as possible." Shoko walked back to Satoru, putting his glasses on his head. I stood up form my crouched position, listening to Suguru.

"And that's not all either-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah!" Satoru interrupted before Sugu could finish, grabbing to ball, and running over to the basket to do a layup.

"Looking out for the weak and protecting them is honestly so exhausting." He wiped his arm on his forehead. Then grabbing the ball as it bounced back up, tossing it towards Suguru.

"Survival of the weakest. That's the proper shape of a proper society. The weak help each other and discourage strength. Listen SAtoru, jujutsu exists to protect non-jujutsu sorcerers." He jumped up, making a shot into the basket behind Satoru.

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