11. I'm here to save you

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"Can I ask you something?" The question spilled out before I could even think. My laughter had died down and the awkward silence was just too much.

"Depends on the question." Although he said it with a little sarcasm, Satoru did sound genuinely curious as to what I was going to ask him.

"If you're the strongest, why don't you just live life the way you want? Not to go around and just murder people because you can, but, why listen to the higher-ups at all?" I've been curious about this for a while but, it seemed to never be the right time to ask him. Every other time, he was either insulting me or trying to.

He looked at me, then rolled his eyes to look up, putting his hand on his chin. Then his head lulled back to face me and all he said was, "I don't know." 

I just gave him a very confused look. "What does that mean?"

"Exactly what it entails. I don't know. I've just been taught all my life that I was the strongest and my only purpose was to listen to the higher-ups." He gave an almost somber expression. It was the first time I'd ever seen him with that kind of expression. He's always got a smile, whether it's a happy one or a mischievous one, it's still a smile. It hurt to see him with that kind of expression for some reason.

"Why?" He looked up at me after hearing the question. He seemed to think about it for a few seconds.

"I was born to protect." It was all he said.

"You don't have to protect everyone," I said, and without thinking I placed my hand on his shoulder. He reacted for a split second but then returned to normal.

"It's what's expected." He just said, with a very sad look. His tone was so melancholy, that it made me almost angry.

"Screw expectations!" At my outburst his head did a fast 180, looking at me with wide eyes. "I know you're really strong. And there's probably not a lot out there that you wouldn't be able to defeat. And I know this is gonna sound stupid coming from me, someone whose barely been able to exorcise curses that are grade 3, but...you can rely on me!" I took my hand off his shoulder and placed it over my chest. Then my expression visibly softened and I smiled. "Even the strongest need someone to protect them in their time of need too, right?" 

I don't know if the sun was playing tricks on me, but I could have sworn that I saw a drop of tear fall from his face, before he turned away and wiped his face quickly before speaking.

"How ridiculous. You couldn't protect a fly. How in the world do you expect to protect someone like me?" He said still turned away from me. Although he tried to hide it, I could tell the shake in his voice was real. The kind of shake that happens when you're about to cry.


"Ughhh, why were we chosen to supervise this stupid mission?" Satoru and his annoying voice were getting on my nerves.

"Well, it has been two days since we've heard from either Utahime or Mei Mei. And you know how strong Mei Mei is, so it's understandably worrisome." Suguru spoke from his spot in the car, which happened to be the passenger seat, next to Niko, who was driving.

"Honestly, Gojo has a point. I didn't think it would be so far away. And to be cramped in this tiny space." Ieiri said from my left.

"Yeah, I mean, we could've at least taken two cars!" Satoru said, shuffling from my right.

"Really, you guys! You have no right to complain! I was the one who lost at rock, paper, scissors and ended up getting the worst spot in the car!" I raised my voice after hearing their complaints. I had my eyes squinted shut, and I peeked one open to see why it had gotten so quiet. Suguru was staring, Ieiri was staring, and of course, Satoru was staring. I opened both my eyes and shrunk down. That's when they all burst out laughing. My cheeks reddened.

"Sorry, Amane. I guess you did get the worst of it." Ieiri said, with an apologetic tone. 

"Well, she is the one who lost, so I don't feel too bad," Satoru said as he crossed his arms with a grin.

"How about this, the next time we're assigned a mission together, you can take the front seat," Suguru said with his head turned so he could see me. My eyes lit up.

"Really?" I asked with excitement in my voice.

"Hey, you can't just make that decision with all of us sitting right here!" Satoru said, complaining. "Right! Shoko?" He looked to her for back up, but all she did was shrug her shoulders. Satoru visibly deflated.

"Kids, quiet down. We're approaching the entrance." Niko spoke up, which caused all of us to go silent. Even Satoru. Wow. I guess he can behave.


As the car rolled to a stop, Suguru got out, looking up the enormous stair case. Ieiri opened the car door and I followed, getting out on her side. Satoru got out on the right and walked around to meet us.

"Welp, let's get going then." He said with his arms behind his head.

"Hopefully it's not too serious. That way this'll be quick." Suguru said following Satoru.

"Let's get this over with." Ieiri said, stretching her arms above her head.

"Wait, guys", I reached my hand out and they all turned towards me, which I wasn't expecting, "shouldn't we wait for Niko, so she can put a veil up for us?"

"It's fine Tachibana. Go on ahead." Niko spoke up. Leaning against the car.


"You heard the lady. C'mon!" Satoru waved his hand in front.

I looked back up towards Niko, who just gave me a sad smile like she knew this would happen. Then I turned back and followed my friends up the staircase.


When we finally reached the top, I was panting like crazy. Geez, why do places like these have so many stairs!

Of course, Suguru and Satoru were completely fine. Ieiri seemed a little out of breath but didn't seem nearly as exhausted as I was.

"Do you sense that?" Sugu asked Satoru.

"Yup." He answered and before I knew it the mansion in front of us seemed to all crack and crumble. It eventually gave way, but instead of falling straight down, it gathered up in the air, before gravity finally went into effect, pulling it down toward the earth.

I covered my face, preventing the dust from entering my eyes, and when it finally cleared enough, I looked to see Satoru standing on top of a pile of rubble. I left Ieiri's side when I heard coughing coming from below him. I got near him, just enough to see below. I saw a girl dressed in traditional clothing, with brown hair, gathered together on each of her shoulders in hair ties.

"I'm here to save you!" I looked up to see Satoru with this smug look on his face while leaning down on one knee. "Utahime."

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