7. Gojo Satoru

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It was the day before I was supposed to go on a mission with Gojo, which Yaga-sensei is supposed to brief us on in an hour or two and to say I'm nervous would be an understatement. I know Suguru said not to worry, but I don't really know Gojo like that. Okay, so I've only known Ieiri and Suguru for the same amount of time and I already trust them and made them my best friends. Sue me. But with Gojo it's different. He started off being a jerk. Even if what he said was true. He didn't have to say it in such a rude way.

Yesterday was uneventful. I was in my room most of the day, Yaga's orders, resting after my ordeal. Even though I told him I feel fine, he explained that it's better not to take risks after expending that much cursed energy, and to just take it easy. Ieiri visited me and said that Suguru sends his regards. He and Gojo were slacking off apparently and decided to go into town after classes. Ieiri brought a couple cartons of milk from the vending machine and told me how it's rare that the thing actually works half the time.

I ended up staying up pretty late last night, since I wasn't that tired and I think I've had about enough of sleeping anyways. Still can't believe I wasted 3 days sleeping.

Now I'm trying to kill time by walking around the school, which I haven't really done until now. It really is beautiful here. A gorgeous forest surrounds the school. The air nice and crisp, contrary to the rest of Tokyo. I eventually found a bench under some trees off a paved path to sit on. I was just enjoying nature, Maru sitting at my side. 

"Beautiful." I jumped at the voice that was suddenly standing a few feet away.

"Geez man bun, you scared the shit out of me." I rested my hand over my heart, trying to calm its rapid beating at the sight of Suguru.

"Man bun? Really? You could just call me by my name you know."

"After saving your life, I think I've earned the right to call you whatever I deem fit." He rolled his eyes and moved so he was only inches from my on the bench.

"You and Satoru are so much alike. Both young children at heart." I made a dramatic gasp and gave him a pointed stare at the comment.

"I take a lot of offense from that." We both did a light hearted laugh.

"It's almost time for your debrief with Yaga-Sensei." He said, leaning over with folded hands.

"Already! I didn't realize it'd been that long." I frowned.

"You'd better go ahead and make your way there, so you'll have plenty of time."

"Yeah, I guess you're right. See you around Sugu!" I got up, Maru following me and waved back.

He just let out an exasperated sigh at the new nickname.


I was patiently waiting, sitting at a desk in our normal classroom. Yaga-sensei was impatiently tapping his foot on the floor.

Finally, after a good fifteen minutes of (im)patiently waiting, the loud obnoxious-I mean Gojo walked in.

"Sit down Gojo, you're late."

"Only by a few minutes, calm down." He pulled a desk and a chair out and sat down.

"So, as to not waste anymore time, I'll get right to the point. Gojo, you're taking Miss Tachibana here on a mission with you tomorrow. An old lady is having some trouble with some spirits in her garden and she's hired us to get rid of them. Usually, I wouldn't even take a second glance at requests such as this but she's an old family friend and I thought it'd be a perfect opportunity for Miss Tachibana to experience what most missions are like after the last one." Gojo looked like he was about to speak up before Yaga-sensei cut him off. "And before you ask, no, Shoko, nor Geto, can accompany Miss Tachibana on this mission because I've already sent them out on separate missions." Gojo visibly deflated. "Now, if there are no more questions, I suggest you both prepare for tomorrow." Without another word, he walked out of the classroom.

Wow, he really does get on to the point.

"Not like I have to prepare for anything, but thanks anyways teach." Gojo exclaimed, even though Yaga-sensei was long gone. He got up without another word and walked out without even sparing me a glance. Well screw you too then.


The next morning, I found myself stuck in the backseat of Niko's car, next to a very unsightly person. No matter if he looks good with his snow-white hair and his crystal blue eyes, he's still a grade-A jerk. We didn't speak the whole ride, nor did we say anything when we got out of the car. Niko set up a veil and Gojo just walked into the lady's backyard without even letting her know we were there.

"Gojo wait! You can't just walk in without letting her know we're here! We don't even know her name!" I yelled for him to stop

"Relax alright. There's no need to make a big fuss when the curses don't even exist anymore. See?" He found three curses in some flower beds and yanked them out, disintegrating them in the process. "Look at that. No more curses." He dusted his hands off and walked past me. 

"That's it? Then what was the point of setting up a veil?" I asked, still dumbfounded at how fast that was.

"It's protocol to put up a veil at every mission site. No matter how small or fast the mission is. Now come on, I don't want to be here any longer than we have to." I just folded my arms and followed him to the car.

"You know, you could learn a thing or two from Suguru." I said after we were situated in the car and Niko began driving us back to the school. He turned and really looked at me for the first time since we departed this morning.

"Since when are you and him on a first-name basis?" He gave me a questioning look.

"Since none ya," I said with a blank stare. He made an irk sound and turned back towards the window. I could see a tinge of pink coating his ears from embarrassment.


The rest of the ride was silent, Gojo leaving immediately the second the car stopped at the school's entrance. I just slowly got out and thanked Niko for the ride. She gave me a polite nod and sped on down the road.

I made it back to my room to find Maru lying on my bed, a sad look on his face, though the second he noticed me he lit up and came flying towards me. 

"Missed you too buddy." I had asked him to stay behind this time which took a lot of convincing. 


A few weeks went by after that, pretty uneventful. I got to go on more smaller missions with Ieiri and Suguru and Gojo. Sometimes I'd be with two out of the three or one, but never all three of them on one mission.

Until now. Yaga-sensei briefed us on a mission he's sending all four of us on. There were a couple of students from the Kyoto school who came on a mission a few days ago, and no one's heard from them since. One of them is pretty strong I hear too, so that makes it even more worrisome.

I've gotten better at controling my cursed energy and knowing how much to put into my hand for certain curses. I'm still considered a Grade 4, but I've taken down a few curses over the past few weeks, even a couple of grade 3's. 

That's the reason Yaga-sensei said he's sending me on this mission. He said he feels comfortable with my ability to take care of myself, as long as the other three are around to watch my back. 

Even though throwing a punch with some kick to it is about all I can do, it's been enough for me so far. Although I've tried to recreate curses, it hasn't been going so well. They either die not too long after I create them, or they come out all morphed and shaped funnily. But I'm still trying.

Hopefully, after this next mission, I'll have encountered a curse I can recreate properly. And, of course, I hope the Kyoto students are actually safe.

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