8. Cursed Spear

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I don't get it. I just don't get it. I've tried focusing my energy on manifesting itself into one thing. I've tried pushing it into an object to see if it'll morph into a curse and nothing. I just wish I could figure out how to create more curses to help in battles and maybe even move me up a grade.

"Miss Tachibana! Would you care to go over the next mission I've just assigned you four one more time?" I suddenly looked up, my thoughts dispersing at Yaga sensei's booming voice. I saw him staring at me with his arms crossed. I looked to my right and saw Ieiri giving me a bored but sympathetic look. I turned to my right to see Suguru giving me a sympathetic look as well. Then I heard snickering and looked past Suguru's shoulder to find Gojo covering his mouth with his hand. I gave him a hard stare.

"Any day now Miss Tachibana." I turned towards the front of the classroom once more at Yaga sensei's voice. "Oh right!" I tried thinking of what to say when I realized that I didn't know all that much. While I was busy thinking, I only caught bits and pieces of the mission he'd be sending us on. Something about helping out some students from the Kyoto school. And how all four of us are going on this one.

I looked up to see Yaga sensei sigh loudly and shake his head. "Never mind, the rest of them can give you the details. You leave in one day. I've got to go through some paperwork, so prepare for the mission till you leave." With that Yaga sensei walked out. I let out a deep sigh and my shoulders slumped.

"Don't worry Amane, you know the main reason we're going on the mission anyway, so the other details don't matter," Ieiri said, trying to reassure me.

"Yeah, don't sweat it. We're also going to see about helping you create more curses, so that way you can try it out on the mission." Suguru said, also trying to lift my spirits.

"If you ask me, if she can't even create more than the one curse she already has, she should just hang back." Annnd, there it is. Just as I was feeling better, a certain white-haired male had to tear me down. 

"Haven't you ever been taught that if you don't have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all?" I gave Gojo a pointed grin and crossed my arms. I heard Suguru mumble, "Here we go," with an eye roll.

"Actually, for your information, I was raised by maids, and they weren't really allowed to speak to me. So there!" He stuck his tongue out.

"That's irrelevant. You should still know when and when not to say something." My grin was now replaced by a frown and I felt my anger quickly growing.

"Sorry, I don't speak with the weak for more than 5 minutes at a time, I'm afraid they might rub off on me." He crossed his legs and grinned at me. Why does he have to be so good-looking!

"Listen Gojo-!"

"Alright, alright. Settle down. Gojo, stop being a jerk. You know she's new to all of this. We've grown up with it our whole lives. Of course, it's gonna be hard to adjust. Just give her a break. Come on Amane. Let's go practice with your cursed energy. See if we can't make a curse." Ieiri grabbed my arm and pulled me along with her at the end of her big speech. I felt grateful. Ieiri usually doesn't interact with Gojo that much. Says it's too tiring. Honestly, I don't blame her. So for her to stick up for me like that was nice.

We left both of our other classmates sitting at their desks. Right before we left though, I took a quick glance back to see Suguru chuckling and Gojo with a stunned look on his face.


"Ugh, this is impossible! I'll never be able to do it!" I yelled while falling onto the luscious grass of the training grounds.

"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it. Your cursed energy seems like it's trying to form together, it's just a matter of creating what you want it to look like in your head and it staying together." Ieiri tried to cheer me up, knowing that the past 3 hours of training have so far, been for naught. Well, not completely I guess. Like she said, I was able to kind of form it a little bit. But it looked more like an object, rather than a cursed spirit. Especially the last few times I was able to manage it. It seemed to take the shape of something thin and long. But not quite enough to the point where I can make out what it is.

A thin curse maybe? No, I've never encountered one of those before. A weapon perhaps? But what weapon? And why would my cursed energy take the form of some random weapon?


As I've come to my realization, I heard Ieiri speak up.

"I'm going to get us a couple of drinks. Take a break okay? No need to wear yourself out right before we have to go on a mission," and with that, she walked off in the direction of the vending machines. Which, half the time doesn't work, mind you. So we'll be lucky if we get drinks from those.

Anyways, back to my realization. I remembered when Niko took me on a short tour of the school, back when I first arrived. We had come to this room. It was kind of strange, and I had this weird feeling that I should go in it. When I asked Niko about it, all she said was that there are cursed tools in there or cursed weapons if you'd prefer to call them that. They are imbued with cursed energy and give the sorcerer wielding them a boost. She opened the door slightly and the second she did, a certain spear caught my eye. Not just a spear though, a katana, a set of kunai, a couple of fans, a pair of sai's, and a few fukiyas. They were singled out from the rest, and it was almost like they were calling me. I started to reach my hand inside when Niko abruptly closed the sliding doors. When I had asked her about those weapons, she said they were far more dangerous and difficult to wield, because they didn't contain any regular cursed energy. Each of them was imbued with a portion of some of the strongest curses that roamed Japan during the Muromachi period in the Kakitsu era. So, around 1440, I believe. That's around when they were defeated by equally powerful sorcerers who thought it'd be a waste to completely kill them, so they imbued a piece of them into their weapons. 

At the time, it was all so confusing and new to me, that I didn't bother thinking about it again. But I don't think that it's a coincidence that I'm remembering it now. If I can create spirits, I wonder if I can summon them too. This is a stretch, cause it's not like I've ever defeated a curse stronger than grade 3, but it's worth a shot.

I closed my eyes and focused on the last image I saw of the spear that was in that room. I remembered every intricate detail. The woven metal is up and down the handle. The beautifully woven metal at the top, near the tip, with the delicate but fierce bird feathers to accompany it. I was so busy trying to remember every little detail, that I didn't notice someone speaking to me



Are they speaking to me?


Is someone even there?






Okay, now I think I'm going crazy. Cause there's no way I just heard a rando's deep voice saying something to me in my head.



'Sigh' I finally get awoken after a dreadfully long slumber, and it's by a weak human, who's also an idiot. Wonderful.




Yup. Definitely going crazy.

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