3. Shoko Ieiri

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I woke up. Well, I groggily laid in the bed for about 5 minutes before actually, physically pushed myself up. It felt like only 30 minutes went by.  However, when I looked towards the one window in the room, right above the bed, it was pitch black.  I couldn't have slept until dark. 

I picked up my phone, expecting to read 8:00. But instead it read 12:34.


I basically slept all day and now I know I'm not gonna sleep for the rest of the night. There's no TV in my room. Nor a computer. I have some books from home, but I'm too wound up to read right now. I look to Maru, who begins to stir at the movement I made. He looked up at me happily and made an almost barkish wimper. He nuzzled my hand then looked back up at me.

"Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking." I scooped Maru up and reached for my flip flops under the bed. I grabbed my oversized jacket sweater and made my way outside as quietly as I could. I don't know if the other second years are back yet, but surely they must be. So, as I pass the other female students' room, I try to do so as quietly as possible. I keep looking back as I round the corner.

"So, you're the new student Yaga-sensei was talking about. Well, texting about."

I jumped at the voice behind me. I made a little noise, but I was able to catch myself in time before I made a full-on scream. 

In front of me, there's a girl, about my age I'd guess, a few inches taller than me, with a black uniform on. She has a short brown bob, a little bit lighter than mine, with a beauty mark under her left eye. A cigarette hangs loosely from her lips.

"Oh, sorry. You don't even know my name. I'm Shoko Ieiri. Second year. Grade 2." She smiled at me. She looked at me expectantly.

"Oh, right, my name's Tachibana Amane. I'm also a second year and what's a grade?" I talk fast, and nervous. I wanted to make a better impression than that, but, I guess it wasn't so bad.

"Wow. You really are new to Jujutsu. Don't worry, you'll catch on fast. I mean, you've already got a curse buddy." She pointed down to Maru, still in my arms. He looked hesitant at first, but I guess he decided he liked her because he flew out of my arms and began licking her in the face. I suddenly felt embarrassed.

"Woah. A nice one at that. I've seen harmless curses before, but I've never met one who actually likes humans." She said with a little chuckle, pulling Maru away from her face.

She handed him back to me. "Sorry about that. He's only been alive for a few days."

"I heard. Apparently, you created him." She must have noticed my confused expression and then, like she realized she said something she shouldn't have, she quickly changed the subject. "So, to answer your question about grades. It's like an assessment of your skill. Based on academics, cursed technique, and control over your cursed energy in general. As well as physical strength as well. They all tie together to determine what grade you are. Grades are important because your grade determines what kind of missions you can go on. There are some special cases of course. But, you usually only go on missions that match your grade level or lower. And, your grade is usually only determined by a balance of what I told you earlier, however, sometimes having exceptional talent in one field or area can determine your whole level. You could be as dumb as rocks, but be extraordinary in cursed energy and techniques, so you get put at grade 1 or even a special grade. There are actually two other second years like that." I take in her words.

"So, when do I figure out my grade?"

"Since you're new, and the exchange event has already passed, you'll probably be ranked a 4, the lowest, until they can properly gauge your skills."

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