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"Hey, I heard you had a bad day."

Suga nodded, not bothering to talk.

His boyfriend frowned and sat next to him. Suga knew that Daichi hated it when he didn't talk, but...

"What happened?"

"Se... Seizure."

Daichi's eyes widened, and Suga grabbed his hand.

"Small. I'm okay."

Nodding, Daichi sighed. "And now you're having trouble talking again."

Suga shrugged and scooted over in his bed, making room for Daichi to join him.

"Are you sure you're not to sore?"

"Yes. Sit."

Daichi laughed and got into the bed next to his boyfriend. Suga smiled at his victory.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something? You should probably eat, too, Chiaki said you haven't ate since this morning."

Suga kissed Daichi, trying to get him to stop worrying.

"That's not an answer."

"Fine," Suga sighed. "Pudding. You pick movie."

"You got it."


It took almost his entire two hour therapy session, but eventually Suga managed to take a few steps. Daichi was at work, but Asahi and Oikawa were there to cheer him on.

Asashi had been surprised to see Oikawa, but it made sense since Iwa is Suga's physical therapist.

"Hey, you did good today. Do you think you'll want to try again tomorrow?"

Suga smiled. "Yeah, I think. Although I think right now I'd like to flop onto my bed."

Iwa laughed and helped Suga into his wheelchair. "You just got your voice back and you're already sassing. What would Daichi say?"

"He'd be so proud of me."

"Oh I'm sure. Now let's get you back to bed."

Asahi and Oikawa left a little bit after Suga got back to his room. He fell asleep almat immediately, only waking up when Daichi kept whispering his name.

Suga opened and eye and smiled. "Why are we whispering?"

"I might have done something illegal."

"What?" Suga sat up a little too quickly and winced. He stared at Daichi.

Daichi smiled and reached moved his arms out from behind his back.

A second later there was a small white kitten kneading Suga's lap.

"Okay, I know pets aren't allowed in hospitals, but-"

"You got a cat?"

"She was left in the streets, and I know you've wanted a cat so..."

Suga smiled and picked the kitten up, laughing when she licked his nose.

Daichi kissed the top of Suga's head. "I don't think I've seen you smile this much in months."

"Well you did get me a cat." Suga glanced at the door. "But um... What do we do if a doctor walks in here?"

"You work with these people, surely they can understand."

Skeptical, Suga raised a brow. "I don't know."

"On the days I'm off I can have her at home and try to train her and stuff. On the days I work though you're stuck with her and the doctors can deal with it."

Honestly, Suga didn't really care if he broke the rules. He was too happy to care.

"I think I can agree with that."

Suga and Daichi both laughed when the cat jumped up on Suga's shoulder and started crawling around. It took almost fifteen minutes for her to stop climbing him and go to sleep on his lap.

"What do we name her?"

"I don't know." Suga glanced at Daichi. "How do you feel about cutesy names?"

Daichi sighed. "If that's what makes you happy then I can live with it."


"Oh my god."

Suga smirked and poked Daichi. "I'm joking, I could never do that to you. I like Mira."

"Mira it is then."

The door to Suga's room, opened, and the two looked up to see Chiaki standing in the doorway.

"Is that a cat?"

Daichi rubbed the back of his head and winced. "Well..."

Chiaki smiled and shut the door. "Don't worry, I won't tell."

Suga sighed in relief.

"And I have more good news. You should be good to go home in just two weeks."


I hope y'all enjoy the cat because in my personal opinion they make everything better :)

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