Author's Note

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Welcome BACK to A Coin Has Two Sides

OMG I have so many things to say here so let's just dive into it.

First things first ... let's address the heartbreak we have all felt and are continuing to feel.

Shadow and Bone was cancelled by N*tflix and the Six of Crows spin-off was also scrapped (despite the fucking scripts already being written).

I could go on for hours in a rage induced rant about just how angry I am about this outcome, but I'll keep it brief.

The fact that N*tflix DARED to cancel an incredible, representative, popular show like Shadow and Bone completely astounds me. That show means so much to so many people, not even mentioning the cast, crew, and Leigh. Seeing it cancelled broke all of their hearts along with ours and I will forever hate N*tflix for that.

BUT the fight isn't over. There have been many instances of shows being cancelled by one network and picked up by another, so that is our goal now.

Harass N*tflix as much as possible, but please be respectful. I will also link the petition that I have signed for a renewal here :

We can only hope to see Shadow and Bone back again, with the incredible cast playing the roles they adore once more.

BUT IN THE MEAN TIME ... here is something else for everyone that wants to see Winnie's story come to an end.

I knew the second I finished season 2 that I would be continuing this story. Whilst the show may have ended with Kaz and Inej separated, the same will NOT be happening with Kaz and Winnie. Not if I have anything to do with it.

I do just want to add that if the show gets picked up like it deserves, I will navigate that when I get to it haha.

However, for now, I have a few things to say about the story you are about to read.

Firstly, this is my own adaptation of what season 3 of Shadow and Bone might have looked like. It is nowhere NEAR as incredible as the actual talented writers of the show would have made it, but I hope it is good enough <3

Secondly, it was incredibly difficult for me to figure this plot line out. Not only did the show squeeze together all the storylines of all the books, but they really fucked up the timeline with the crows -- mainly having Kaz's showdown with Pekka Rollins being in the middle of season 2 rather than at the end of the Ice Court storyline.

That is just one of the many things I have had to navigate to make this work. So please bear that in mind when reading.

Thirdly, there will most likely be continuity errors and issues with this story now because of all of this. I tried my level best to avoid it, and to make sure all the characters got their rightful endings. So, again, please keep an open mind if something isn't making a lot of sense haha.

To try and fix this, please leave comments to let me know if you catch anything out of order. At this point, we are in this crazy story together and so all advice for improving ~our~ version over here will be greatly appreciated.

Finally, I took one silver lining away from the cancellation. That is the fact that I had free rein to do pretty much whatever the hell I wanted haha.

Winnie pretty much followed the romance story of Kaz and Inej. But with the books to follow now instead of a show, I was able to divert from that when I liked which was very exciting.

Not to mention I could manipulate the storylines of characters other than the Crows purely to aid my own story.

This has resulted in many a scene which I guarantee would never have made it into the show (if you know what I mean ;)) so I guess you have some things to look forward to hehe.

And there is one more thing I should probably mention ... my deranged and obsessive nature turned out not one ... not two ... but three new seasons worth of content for this fic lmao.

I know that sounds insane, but you'll see what I mean once you've gotten reading.

I guess with that said, I'll shut up now and let you get into season 3 of this fic.

Above all of the heartbreak and the pain, I hope this continuation of my little Kaz Brekker fanfic brings you a shred of joy.

I am doing this for me, but also for you guys <3

Your support has always meant the world to me and this is my way of thanking you all for that.

So without further ado, ENJOY :)

So without further ado, ENJOY :)

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A Coin Has Two Sides (Season Three) || Kaz Brekker x OCWhere stories live. Discover now