2. Jurda Parem

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Things can start off as a foe and turn into a friend.

Usually that sort of thing takes time.

Certainly not a sudden burst of light.

But Kaz's relationship with darkness that evening was about to be changed by that very thing.

A burst of light.

Once the grotty sack had been removed from over Kaz's head, the disorientated boy took all of five seconds to take in his surroundings.

Five seconds was all he needed.

In those five seconds, he had realized he hadn't been captured by a rival gang that was pissed about his recent advances in Ketterdam.

The room he was currently in was far too nice for that to be the case.

Mahogany carved panels, leaded windows, expensive glass ornaments he had only seen stolen before.

Not to mention there were stadwatch guards present, including the one who pulled the sack off his head.

Which led him to think he may be under arrest.

A funny thought, really.

Given the information he had on every judge, bailiff, and high Kerch councilman (curtesy of Inej), he would be out of a cell before sunrise.

But Kaz wasn't in a cell.

Instead, he was currently chained to a chair, his hands shackled together in his lap.

Add that onto the man currently staring at him from behind a polished mahogany desk who had the prosperous look of a mercher, Kaz knew this wasn't the work of a gang, or anyone who would attempt to arrest him.

This was the work of someone who wanted to conduct business.

So Kaz decided to get to the point, not being a huge fan of his bound position.

"What business?"

The man opposite him stood up from his red cushioned chair made of the finest velvet and addressed the guards in the room.

"Leave us."

They followed his command, leaving the two alone.

As the merchant walked around to the front of his desk, and Kaz's vision fully cleared, he managed to analyse the refined outfit of the mystery man.

That very outfit removed the mystery.

Kaz recognised the perfectly cut frock coat and vest worn by all Kerch merchants. But it was the pocket watch and tie pin that allowed him to identify just who he was dealing with.

"Van Eck", he greeted, whilst silencing the loud voice in his head telling him to jab the end of the tie pin into the merchant's neck for tying him to a chair.

Van Eck simply nodded his head in return. Anything else would be too respectful for Barrel rats.

"You know me, then?"

"I know you. You're one of those merch crusaders always trying to clean up the Barrel", Kaz answered.

A half-truth.

Of course, the full truth would remain off his tongue.

Kaz had been dealing with information almost as long as he had been dealing cards.

In both cases, he had learnt to keep them close to his chest until the opportune moment.

"I try to find men honest work", Van Eck said, perching on the front of his desk.

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