Chapter 1: The Map

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A long time ago
in a galaxy far far away...

My eyes wandered over the city in the distance. I was leaning against the reiling and enjoyed the warmth of the sun on my skin. The view was something I coul look at for hours without getting tired of it.

When my eyes spotted two e-wings flying at my direction I already knew what was going on. Of course Sabine wouldn't be at the celebration and hold her speech. It was bold of them to assume my sister would be there in the first place. After walking into our rooms I sat down at the little table and played with a piece of metal between my fingers waiting for my sisters return.

It didn't take long until I heard her steps nearby. When the door opened I smiled to myself.

She had a little smirk on her face while looking at me.

"Aren't you supposed to say a few words? At the ceremony?"
I heard a deep laugh coming from her.

"Oh, that was today?"
I rolled my eyes and pushed her playfully in her side.

Her eyes landed on the small recording she used to watch everyday. I knew how much Ezra meant to her but she looked at it over and over again wich was almost annoying at some point. Maybe I would never be able to understand her completly. I wouldn't tell her that but she needed to move on. He made a decision and saved us all and now we had to live it. I guess letting go was never her strength. She knew him a lot better than I did but after all this time she should at least try to move on and live her life. He would have wanted it. At least that's what I would want for her.

Slowly I got up and patted her arm to show her that I understood what she felt. My steps took me outside again to let her alone for a few minutes. She would probably look at the holograph of her lost friend again and I didn't want to maker her feel uncomfortable. The loth-cat that lived with us followed me outside where I gently patted him.

I didn't mind living out here with her. It was small but it was just enough for the two of us. We had our peace out here. I knew that she was feeling down often lately but I was just glad to have her.

The familiar sound of a ship let my thoughts vanish. Sabine stepped beside me and looked after the red-grey shuttle. When I looked over to my sister I started feeling strange. I wondered what was crossing her mind right now. She didn't talk a lot about Ahsoka and the time she left her but I was sure that she was still hurt even though she would never admit it.

"Wanna know what is going on?", I asked her while watching her expression change to a more concerned one.

Her purple and orange hair was glowing in the daylight as she walked ahead. Without saying a word I followed her.
She was always the one to make decisions while I just did what she told me to. I was wondering if this would ever change or if I would always stay in her shadow.

We used our speeders to get over to the city. I could sense how she tensed up the closer we got to her former master.
When we were close enough to spot her I could swear the air was heavy from all the unspoken things between them. What am I doing here this is none of my business.
I stayed back and whatched them slowly approach each other. It was really not the best time for me to be there. It was akward enough but me being there only made things worse.

The silence between them made me want to just disappear and stop existing.
Ahsoka was the one to break the akward silence. She held out a round object.

"I think I know how to find Ezra."

Her words let my interest grow and I slowly stepped closer to get a better look at the object. There were circles and other things engraved on it.

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