Chapter 11: The Storm

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Shin's pov:

I still didn't know where to go or what to do. Part of me was wondering where Baylan was and what he was looking for so desperatly. Thinking back I asked myself how it would have been if I knew his real intentions. Maybe I wouldn't have gone with him or perhaps I would be somewhere on this planet with him and not on my own. But there was nothing I could do now. We both would have to life with the decisions we made. I couldn't help but hope he would regret his at some point and wish he didn't leave me.

At the moment I didn't had a reason to keep on going or living but giving up wasn't an option. I knew that it would get hard surviving on my own. The only ones that might accept me were the bandits that were on our side during our last fight. Even though I didn't want to be part of them it seemed to be the only solution. The food I was taking with me was nearly gone and I was longing for a long rest without being in danger all the time.

I was glad about the thin coat that I took with me and placed it over my shoulders. Even though the sun was shining it didn't spend me any warmth and I shivered slightly. The steps of my loth-wolve seemed to slow down more and more and I knew that if we didn't find the bandits soon we both would collapse. I was ready to just give in when we finally got to the edge of a small hill. Their camp was placed not far away but safe from the cold wind. The feeling of relieve was way weaker than I expected it to be.

I slwoly uncliped my lightsaber, held it up and ignited it in the air. My muscles were protesting against the movement but I kept it up. The bandits stopped with whatever they were doing and looked up to me. Maybe it was fear or the hope of being better protected that lead them to welcome us. They shared their (very disgusting) food with us and showed me a place to rest while leading my wolve to the others.

I was laying on some soft fabrics and tried to fall asleep. Even though I haven't felt this exhausted ever before, I couldn't find any sleep. I kept on rolling from one side to the other but my thoughts were too loud and no mather how many layers of fabric covered me I was still freezing.

After a while I had enough and exited the shelter. The fresh air felt way better than the heavy one inside and the noises of the sleeping bandits made me go insane. The nightsky was beyond beautiful. The stars shone bright and let my anger vanish for a moment. The grief was hitting me and I felt myself sinking to the ground and hot tears started running down my cheeks. I could barely breathe anymore.

Warm furr gently stroke my face. My wolve came to comfort me and it helped me getting deeper breaths again.
Once I got myself togheter again I went back inside after making sure my loth-wolve was back in the half open shelter. The air was still uncomfortably thick inside but when I laid down this time I didn't freeze that much. My tiredness took finally over and I fell asleep.

I was glad to not dream anything or at least that I didn't remember.
Even though I couldn't understand what the bandits were saying to each other I was able to understand what they meant. They wanted to leave and put their camp up somewhere else. I assumed it to be because of the changing wind or something like that. Maybe they wanted to be closer to water or smaller animals they could hunt.

It didn't take long for them to pack their stuff and get ready to leave. Being with them was better than alone but it still felt wrong to me. I didn't belong here and staying with them till the end of my life was not an option.

The sleep helped me regain some energy but I still felt drained. Riding on the wolves seemed to be easy to them but for me it was only painful at this point.

The morning sky was still orange when we climed the small hill up and looked over the landskape. In the distance I spotted something small moving. The bandits started rushing towards it and I followed. As we got closer I started to realize what it was. The red and grey colors of Ahsokas shuttle made my heart speed up.

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