Chapter 7: Lost

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Sabine recieved the records of the last possible position Ezras. If they were right or wrong I couldn't tell. I only knew that with every moment we moved foreward I felt more lost than before. My heart was racing and my hands couldn't stop shaking. The only thing I wanted at this moment was to just be alone and let the tears flow thar burned my eyes.

My sister shouldn't see them. She wouldn't understand so I held them back. Her motivation and positiveness made me feel sick. If we would find him she would get her will. But what about me? What I wanted didn't matter at least not to her.

Maybe it wasn't too late. I could still turn around. I could tell her that I'm sorry and I only want to be with her no matter where in the universe this would be. She wouldn't turn me down, would she?

I began to slow down. If I wanted to go back I had to do it now.

"Do you need a break already?"
The positive tone her voice had made me feel strange.

"I have a bad feeling. Do you really want to get stranded here? We won't be able to get away once they have left."

She came to a halt and looked at me.
"It's not like you have anything back there, right?" She smiled warmly at me but her words hurt. Of course she was right but it made me realize how much I wasted my time.

"It's just that I don't really want to be here for the rest of my life."
She started moving again and I slowly followed her.

"We have each other. I think we will be just fine."

I followed her in silence my thoughts running wild. Why was it so hard to just leave her? She obviously didn't care that much about me.

"What happens when we find Ezra?"
Her bright smile and her distant thoughts were showing me that she didn't care where we were as long as she had him back.

"We'll see."
Her optimism almost made me feel sick.

We kept our pace steady when suddenly someone started shooting at us. Sabine's loth-wolve threw her off and ran away. I quickly got off of mine which then also disappeared. Bandits started attacking us from all sides. Sabine took one blaster and passed me her second one and we shot back at them. Some of them had long metal sticks and tried to hit us with them. My sister was able to block all of the shots with her beskar armor while I had to dodge them. It was almost impossible to hit them deadly and after a while Sabine and I both drew our sabers and finished them off.

They lightsabers cut right through their metal armors making them die in seconds. We looked at each other and I handed her back the blaster she had given me.

"Are you alright? You seem upset."
My sister was way too relaxed for my taste.

"Yeah, no, sure I am fine. My selfish sister just decided to get me on a planet in a distant galaxy where we might end up getting killed without any way back just because she can't let go of some guy."

This time her expression seemed to be hurt.

"I thought you were on my side."
She almost whispered.

"You don't understand what you did, do you? Thrawn will start a war in our home to which we will never be able to return. Just so you could see Ezra again. People will die. Maybe even some we care about. But at least you will be reunited with your brother."
I almost spat the last word.

She swallowed hard and picked up the records of Ezras last coordinates. The object was broken and Sabine mumbled a 'great' under her breath.

"We should go."
She looked at me and I started walking past her.

After only a few minutes our loth-wolves came running towards us.

"You abondoned me", my sister shouted at hers but the wolves just kept following us. I was quicker to forgive mine but eventually my sister did the same. After getting back on their backs they seemed to have found something. The wolves were almost running until we reached a small spot with rocks and a little water.

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