Chapter 4: Wright Or Wrong?

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It wasn't long until I was woken up by Ahsoka. She wanted to check up on me and the wound in my face. I haven't been brave enough to look at it yet. The fear of having a terribly destroyed face just wouldn't let me. Getting up slowly I recalled the memories of the previous day. Did this really happen or was it just a dream?

After changing into fresh clothes I went into the main room of the shuttle. Sabine was already here and trained with Ahsoka. I almost felt a bit jealous.

"Hi (y/n). What happened to your face?"
Her pointing this out was really something that I didn't need. My fingers carefully touched the wound to feel how big it was.

"Is it that bad?"
Sabine held back her laugh.

"It's already healing. It will take a while but there won't be a lot left of it when it's healed", Ahsoka reasured me. I nodded and watched Sabine continue her training session. And once more I was just living in her shadow. Only here because I am her sister and not because I was worth anything for their mission. After a while Huyang made his way to me and got me to build a lightsaber. He taught it in the jedi temple many years ago and now he was teaching me.

I enjoyed picking out different parts for it but it took way longer than I was expecting. At the end he told me to pick a cyber crystal. I didn't ask where they had them from and closed my eyes to get the one that was 'calling out to me' as Huyang said. My fingers grabbed the fist one I felt and I took it. The color was purple wich, I thought was special.

"What does this mean?" I asked him.

"Don't worry it's just as good as the other colors."
Since he didn't seem to be surprised or something the excitment vanished.

"It fits you. Really girly."
I turned over to Sabine who was making fun of me. She knew that I hated it when she said stuff like that. I swallowed my pride and fake laughed with her. After she left again I searched a calm place and started engraving small patterns on my new hilt. Proud with the result I ignited it for the first time. The words of my sister still made me feel smal but I decided to not let it bring me down.

While Ahsoka and Sabine were training I asked Huyang for help and he thaught me a few things. It would never be as good as an actual jedi teaching but it was better than just sitting around and feeling sorry for myself.

Sabine's training session ended when we exited hyperspace. I imediatly started being nervous.

We spotted a huge ring. Ahsoka supposed it could be some sort of hyperspace transport ring. To be sure we had to get closer to so that Huyang could complete a scan. It didn't take long until someone was firing at us.

Ahsoka send my sister to fire back at them while I had to wait. She was able to hit two of the enemy ships after we got close enough for the scan to complete.

We were prepearing to land on the planet nearby when we were hit and our engines shut down. The lights went off and we stopped moving. Sabine came running back.

"Sabine you need to get the ship working." Ahsoka started to walk off.

"Where are you going?"
Sabine's voice sounded worried.

"I'll distract them."
She got into a space suit and went outside the ship whilst Sabine started fixing the shuttle. The enemy was still shooting but not at the ship anymore. They had Ahsoka in their focus now but she was able to dodge their attacs.

It felt like an eternity until the lights finally started working and Ahsoka entered our shuttle again.

We entered the athmosphere of the planet while the enemy continued to follow and shoot at us. Their only missed us very closely wich made me shift in my seat.

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