Chapter 6: Ending Or Beginning?

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Shin's pov:

I watched her until she disappeared. The words Baylan said never reached me and I followed him silently. There were no words that could describe the way I felt in this moment. Something inside me was torn apart.

We followed Thrawn outside and my eyes spotted two dots moving in the distance. Part of me was still hoping for her to return but I knew she wouldn't.

"You may follow her at your own pace."
Thrawns words ripped me out of my thoughts.

"Of course grand admiral", said Baylan.
I quickly looked at my master.

"I thought you were to honour your agreement."

"But he shall." Thrawn started to answer my question.
"Sabine and her sister will have the opporunity to finding Ezra bridger, just as promised. And if they do you and your master will destroy them."

Baylan nodded and started prepearing to leave. I looked back at Thrawn. The anger inside me rose at the thought of what he asked us to do but I decided to follow my master without a word. Now was neither the time nor the place to question the admiral.

We got onto the back of loth-wolves and started following them. At first we were running at a fast pace but started slowing down once we were out of sight from Thrawn. There were a lot things I wanted to ask my master but I couldn't bring myself to break the silence.

"I really thought she would change sides", he finally spoke.

I looked over to my master.
"She didn't."

He slowed down even more and so did I.
"If you ask her again she won't say no."

I felt surprised at his words.
"You heard it."
Somehow I felt ashamed for the conversation he heard.

"She was really close to just give in. It was probably just the guilt of leaving her sister that held her from it."

"It doesn't matter now. They will die."
The words tasted bitter on my tongue and I felt my eyes burning.

"It does matter. You should give her one more chance."

I broke our eyecontact and started focusing on our surroundings again. Of course I still wanted her to come with us but I couldn't take it again if she chose differently.

After continuing our journey for a while when we came across some dead bodies. Baylan got off of his loth-wolve and I did the same.

With my foot I started kicking one of the dead bodies to see if they were really dead.

"Looks like they survived."
I looked over to him. A part of me felt relieved.

"Do you know the one they seek so desperately?"
I asked him.

"Bridger? No. He is too young. Comes from a breed of Bokken jedi trained in the wild after the temple fell."
He looked into the distance.

"Like me?"

"No. He was trained as a jedi. You I trained to be something more."

I turned away from him and squatted down next to one of the bodies. There were so many more things I wanted to know about his past.

Now was the best time to ask him about the jedi.

"Do you miss it? The order."

He scoffed before answering.

"I miss... the idea of it. But not the truth, the weakness. There was no future there."

I heard him stepping closer to me.

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