Chapter 3: The Other Side

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Shin's pov:

The order of my master was simple; finding Sabine Wren and getting the star map. I wasn't sure how he knew that the map was in her possesion but it wasn't the right time to question his desicion working with that witch.

It was neither hard nor did it take much time to find where that girl lived. That she stayed at a place away from anyone else played just in my hands. Baylan wasn't a fan of blood being spilled and my instructions were simple. I should only kill her if she's in my way and there was no other option. I didn't mind a little action but an order is an order.

Playing the little waiting game was for sure the part I disliked the most. As soon as it was dark outside I sent two droids inside to go look for the map. As expected it didn't take long for one of them to return and hand me the map. I looked at the orb inside my hand. Never have I seen a map like this before but reading it wasn't part of my job.

A door leading downstairs to Sabines place opened up and the girl stepped outside.
"We've been looking for this."

The girl stepped closer.
"That's too bad."
She ignited her lightsaber. Green reflecting on her face from the blade.

She for sure had a lot of confidence for someone who didn't seem to fight often with a lightsaber.

I slowly handed the orb to the droid who gave it to me and reached for my saber. The familiar sound of it was like music. She immediatly rushed towards me but I could feel within the first hit that she wouldn't stand a chance. I contered every hit without even trying hard and definitly dominated the fight. I could feel her strenght weaken with every attac.

A weird feeling overcame me right before I pushed her blade aside and stabbed her. Even though the blade went right through her abdomen I knew that I didn't hit any vital spots and she might just survive it, if she was lucky. Slowly I stepped back and watched her sink towards the ground.

Out of the dark I watched anothet girl rush towards the now unconcious Sabine. She screamed her name. My heart sped up a little wich was more than unusual. I swallowed hard and already wanted to leave but the girl grabbed the hilt of Sabine's saber. She definitly had even less experience.

The green once more lit up and made her eyes reflect the color. With a smooth motion she spun the lightsaber two times. I could feel how afraid she was and a part of me didn't want her to be. I quickly swallowed that feeling and hit my blade at her. The movement was a lot slower than intended and I almost put no pressure on it. The next hit was a bit stronger but somehow I couldn't put all my strength to it. We kept on staring at each other.

The longer I looked at her the more I could feel her getting calmer. Her movements adapted to mine almost as if we shared one mind. Who was she? And who is Sabine to her? A part of me was searching for an answer in her face but I only knew that she was important to her. Something about that made me feel a little angry. She tried to rip my lightsaber away but I threw her over to the ground with ease. This would have been the perfect time to just stab her but something was holding me back.

She got up slowly and I started pushing strongly against her blade again. Her hands were getting tired and she had to keep herself from the ground with one hand. With all her strenght she pushed herself up and me away. She had no energy left and I could finish her now. But why didn't I want to?

The next time I came at her, pain shot right trough my face. She shook her hurting hand a little. Why didn't I feel that punch coming?

A loud sound and lights were coming at our direction. That was Sabine's master who was flying with her shuttle. Baylan warned me about her. I once more glanzed at the girl before running off. A part of me was relieved that I didn't have to kill her. With the map now in our hands my job here was done anyway.

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