Chapter 5: Hyperspace

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A hyperjump into another galaxy was the last thing I wanted to do. I looked outside at the stars and the nervousity got worse the longer we were standing there. Right before we started the jump I felt a hand grabbing my wrist. I looked over to Shin and could sense, that the girl was just as scared as I was. If the calculations weren't exact we would be lost somewhere in deep space.

The stars started blurring and my heartbeat sped up. Not long after we were in hyperspace Sabine and I were brought to seperated cells. I was somehow glad to be alone and not in the same one as her. After I sat down on a bench I took a look at the wound on my shoulder. Even though I couldn't see a lot I realized, that part of my jacked was burned into my skin. I swallowed hard and tried to not focus on the pain I felt.

After sleeping for a while I was woken up by the sound of an opening door. My head was spinning and I was freezing. I could hear someone put something down before leaving again. My eyes were too heavy to open enough to see what it was and I drifted away again.

The next time I was awake I heared voices coming from outside and the door opened. A cold hand touched my forehead and made me shake even harder from the cold.

"Looks like an infection. She definitly has a fever."
The deep voice seemed to be far away and yet close.

"How bad is it?"
The girls voice sounded like music to me. I wanted to listen to this sound for the rest of my life.

Someone grabbed me and pulled me into a sitting position. Everytging started spinning again and I started feeling sick. I bend forward not knowing if I had to throw up. Someone gently stroke my hair out of my face and put a hand on my back. The feeling luckily vanished again and I started leaning back.

Baylan gave me some liquid and said I would feel better. I took a few sips before putting the cup down again.

"You have to hold her."
I opened my eyes slightly to see Baylan cutting my jaket open.
Shin held my arm to my body and I realized that someone has taken my handcuffs off whilst I was asleep.

With my free hand I grabbed Shins wrist. When Baylan started peeling the fabric out of my wound I sqished her wrist from the pain. She squatted down and met me at eye level. Her eyes looking into mine spend me comfort and I forgot how bad the pain was. The longer we looked at each other the more her gaze softened. A part of me wanted to touch her face and tell her to never leave me.

Baylan cleared his throat and Shin got back up immediatly.
"She needs a new shirt and maybe a coat."
Shin nodded and walked outside.

"Why do you help me? To kill me yourself?"
He looked at me smiling slightly while putting a bandage around my shoulder.

"I will keep my word. What will happen to you once we arrive will be up to Thrawn."
I looked down and started massaging my wrists.

"It's not too late for you yet. You can switch to our side and you could accept the connection you feel."

I started feeling very uncomfortable.
"I don't know what you are talking about."

"You might be able to lie to yourself but you can't fool me."

"What's in it for you? I doubt you care about me."
His expression was soft.

"I care about her."

Shin walked back in and Baylan raised his eyebrow at me. He walked towards the door.

"Think about it, (y/n)."
The door closed behind him leaving me alone with Shin.

She slowly aproached me and I felt a weird tension. After placing a black shirt and a brown cloak on the bench she stared at me. My heart started speeding up as she stood only two steps away from me still not braking our eyecontact.

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