Chapter 2: For The Empire

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Sabines chest rose and sunk regulary. She was asleep now but she was save. No vital organs were hit and she would fully recover again. I sat beside her bed and watched her breathe steady. Ahsoka was standing beside me and I felt her gaze on me.

"You want to say something?"
I could feel the tension that had built up soften a bit.

"How is it possible that Sabine, who was trained before, almost died and you, who never held a lightsaber, didn't even get a tiny scratch?"

I swallowed hard before answering.
"I don't know. Maybe I wasn't enough of a threat to be eliminated."

Ahsoka looked me up and down.
"But then why even fight you?"

"Ahsoka, I am sorry for what happened I shouldn't have let Sabine leave with the map."

She gave me a weak smile before leaving to go back to Sabines and my place and look for something. She supposed that one of the droids might still be there.

I kept on watching Sabine until my eyes got very heavy and sleep took over.

The surroundings changed to a place I have never seen before. My vision was all blurry and I only saw a few stones standing in a circle. I slowly turned around to see a man standing infront of me, the starmap in his hand. He slowly placed it onto something and started talking. It was as if something stopped my ears from hearing him and I could only make out a few sounds but no words. When I took a step aside I spotted the girl I fought with. She was the only thing I could see clearly. Her eyes were focused on the map.

When the man stopped talking she looked up right at me. She seemed as surprised as I was and turned her head towards the man who didn't seem to notice me. We looked at each other for a moment before I stepped forward to grab the map. She reacted by walking towards it too. I reached my hand out to touch it.

My eyes flew wide open and I felt like I held my breath. Sabine sat on her bed now fully awake and Ahsoka watched me from the other side of the room.

"You're awake, finally."
Sabine said laughing.

I jumped up and hugged her before she could react. I knew that she hated it but I was just too scared to loose her to care about this.

She told me about the plan to find out where the droid was sent from using the remaining part of the droid that Ahsoka found back at our place.
Huyang and a holograph of Hera where there too.

They watched Sabine working on finding the location where the droid came from. Huyang pulled the plug when it almost overheated and saved us from an immense explosion.

"This droid came from Corellia."
Hera was surprised about the news.

Ahsoka kept on looking at me. Something about her gaze made me feel uncomfortable. There was definitly something she wanted to say but not infront of the others.

"We should checkt that out.", said Ahsoka towards Hera.

"I meet you there.", she responded.

"Alright let's get going." Sabine said.

"No, you need to recover. (Y/n), I want you to come along."
I felt Sabine's anger towards me but decided to follow Ahsoka without arguing.


I stared at the ground knowing that I couldn't escape the conversation that was going to start soon.

"Sabine never told me that you're force sensitive."
She crossed her arms and observed me.

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