Chapter 9: Shadow

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I watched the strong colors slowly fade as the sun wandered higher into the sky.
After a while I started to enjoy our time on the new planet. After the wars and everything that happened we all deserved some rest. Especially my sister seemed to become happier each rotation.

While the sun was up I mostly observed Sabines training. It made me happy seeing how she improved more and more. Ahsoka was proud of her and I secretly began to try using the force too. There was no succes for me yet but it somehow didn't bother me a lot. The three of us started getting along surprisingly well.

"Why are you up so early?"
I quickly turned around to look at my sister. She smiled brightly at me.

"I woke up a while ago and decided to watch the sunrise."
I got up from the ground and pulled the brown cloak tighter around my shoulders to cover me from the cold breeze.

"How's your training going?"
My steps took me to where she was standing.

"Not too bad."
She probably knew that I usually watched them but decided to not say anything about it.

We went inside the shuttle without saying a word.
Before she entered I stopped and waited for her to turn around.

"I'm sorry for the things I said. We both aren't the best at making decisions but we are where we need to be now so yours might not be the worst."
She looked down at the ground. I knew that she didn't want to talk about our little fight. She would rather act as if nothing happened but I always wanted to talk things out.

"I know what I did and that there might be a war now in our galaxy but we have to move on there is nothing we can do about it now."
I could see some kind of guilt in her eyes and decided to leave it like this. After gently touching her shoulder we both walked inside.

Ahsoka was already sitting at the table and drank from her cup. To my surprise she seemed to be a bit concerned.

"Is everything alright?", I asked and carefully observed her reaction.

She smiled kindly at me and I knew better than asking more questions.

Sabine and I joined her and I listened to one of their stories about their time as rebels. A part of me wished that I could have been with them but I knew that Sabine only hid me away to keep me save and I would have done the same.

"Maybe you two should practice on your lightsaber technique togheter."
Sabine seemed as confused as I felt when she looked over to her master.

"You won't train with me?"


My eyes darted between the two of them and I waited until Ahsoka got up to leave the table as well.

Shortly after both Sabine and I were standing outside with our blades ignited. Our hits were as weak as possible to not hurt each other.

"Is it just me or is something strange going on with Ahsoka?", my sister carefully asked me between two hits.

"You tell me she is your master. Maybe she has already had enough of you."
She fake laughed and stroke at me again.

"She always knows things that I can't see or feel. It's frustrating."

I changed my position and let my saber sink since she wanted to rather talk then train with me.

"Maybe you should ask her about it. But she was indeed acting weird."
My sister lifted her saber again showing me that she felt ready to keep on going and I did the same.

Our blades hit once more when I suddendly felt a terribly pain. I wasn't able to breathe for a moment and stumbled back. My sister came running to my side and held me on my arm for support.

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