Chapter 13: Before The Darkness

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The howling wind had woken me up in the morning. My neck was hurting from the bad sleeping position I found myself in. To my surprise I was laying on my stomach, my neck turned to the side. Still in a sleepy state I tried to turn around and continue sleeping for a while. As I moved quickly metal tore at my wrist. When the realisation hit me I almost jumped up. My left wrist was chained to the bed. With my free hand I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and searched the room. Shin was gone.

Panic rose in me and I called for Ahsoka or Sabine. Steps coming closer made me stop trying to open the handcuffs. The door opened and Ahsoka was standing infront of me. She was holding back her laughter. I didn't care what she was thinking I desperately wanted to run outside and search the entire planet for her if needed.

Without a word she took the key and opened the lock. She inspected my wrist wich was red from pulling against it.

"You look terrible."
I once more rubbed my palm against my swollen eyes.
Ahsoka still observed me and I opened my mouth but the words didn't form so I closed it again.

"She's having breakfast with your sister. You should wash yourself and join them."
I watched her leave and my body relaxed again. After letting hot water run over me I started feeling a lot better. My wrist felt stiff and some skin was ripped open. I should be angry at Ahsoka but I knew that she might still be mad for my stupid decisions. The thought of having to talk to her about the things both of us did wasn't really something I liked. Having to admit that my actions were way to impulsive wasn't something I was looking forward to.

Once I dryed my hair enough to stop droping water on the floor I got dressed and walked into the main room of the shuttle. My sleepiness was still not gone entiredly but I felt more awake now.

"Good morning sleephead."
Sabine was in a good mood wich surprised me. I mumbled a 'good morning' back and sat at the table. Shin avoided my gaze but the moment I looked at my sister I felt her looking at me.

Sabine poured me a hot cup of the water the Noti were often drinking. I hated the taste of the strong herbs in it but started to drink it anyways. As I put the cup back down Sabine grabbed my wrist.

"I didn't want to hurt you. It was just a joke."
Shins gaze hardened as she noticed the wounded skin on my left wrist.

"That was your idea?"
I freed my hand from her grip and got myself something to eat. The food wasn't much different from the one we used to eat but I caught myself missing it anyways.

"Ahsoka said the storm is not over and we better stay inside for at least one rotation."
I swallowed down my food before answering my sister.

"I suppose you will train the whole time then?"
She smiled at me and I still felt confused about her sudden positiveness.

"Yes. You can... clean the shuttle."
I tilted my head.

"A punishment for walking away?"
She nodded at me and let my shoulders sink.

"Isn't that a job for Huyang? What does he do anyways I barely see him anymore."
My sister got up to put her cup and plate aside.

"He stayed with the Noti and loth-wolves wich you would know if you stayed."
I narrowed my eyes and watched her walk out of the room.

The moment she was gone I started searching for the right words. The silence felt weird after last night and I hoped she would break it first.

"You were staying with the bandits?"
She nodded in response and I tried to make a conversation.

"Were they a good company?"
She was looking at the still filled cup in her hands. It seemed like she hated it as much as I did.

"I don't understand a word they say."
Finally she looked at me. The way her eyes stared right into my soul made me nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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