#4 MAJOR Attitude?! / ¿?Toono x Tamura friendship?¿

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Warning!! SASSY TOONO   Also this has a lot of insults to almost every character so don't come at me with pitchforks k?

Toono's POV:

The second i went into the clubroom i was forced to sit on the couch and wait for the last club member to arrive, and because Yuri wanted to Fujisaki is coming too. Why? got absolutely no idea. 

"So why do i have to be here again? "I say in a kinda impatient voice, but i just wanna go back to my dorm and finish my pile of homework.

"THEIR WE GO" Akemi yelled for pretty much no reason, Jeez.


"We need to have a serious group meeting, and we are waiting for Tamura " He said with a actually serious face for once, didn't know a living barbie doll could do that.

I turn around to talk to kashima since he is one of the few sane people here. About 2 minutes pass by and Fujisaki finally shows his face slowly entering the room then starts turn back into a Yuri fan boy. 


Is the only thing he says for the next 15 minutes until Tamura finally arrives and sits next to me.

"What up?" He says putting his arms behind his head and leaning back on the couch. 

"We need to know why toono has started to get such an attitude, and I think most of us agree it has to do with you " Shikitani says adjusting his glasses for the 100th dang time. 

"Me ? " There was a long pause. 

"Hmmm ya probably " He admits smirking to himself. 

"Why the fuck are we having this dang meeting in the first place this is not important in the slightest. I say rolling my eyes, which apparently shock these maniac's more than me when i first joined this trash club, heck even Fujisaki was shocked enough to shut up for 2 seconds.

"Hmph! I raised you well" Tamura says putting his hand on my head much to my annoyance.

"Since when did you raise me?"

"I'm now adopting you. "

"What the fuck?"

That just made his grin spread even more.

"We lost such a pure soul today ~" Akemi says waving his arms around the room like some kinda helicopter. 

Itome has the same expression but was apparently panicking too. Shikitani was writing something on a piece of paper. Before i ask Itome beats me to it.

"What are you writing shiki-chan?"

"My will"

"You Arnt gonna die you dumbass " Me and Tamura say in unison. 

"GREAT NOW THEYRE EVEN MORE ALIKE " Akemi scream arms now faster than a helicopter.

"WDUWAIKSDN????!?!!!!!" Gibberish man says.

"What did he say?" Fujisaki asks Tamura. 

"Youd think by now that you've spent 99% of your free time fucking and stalking him you would be able to translate at least one sentence yourself " i say.

"I agree with toono , do you not have the brain compacity?" Tamura says obviously enjoying this chaos.

"Maybe not.... BUT what did he say?"

"He said we should purify toono" Tamura translates with ease.

"How do we purify him though?"Shikitani asks immediately destroying his 'will' and tossing it in the trash, surprisingly he doesn't miss.


We all turn our head to face Tamura who think very hard then says, " Hmm why should i translate this to you guys?"

"PLEASE THE WORLD IS GONNA END" Akemi screams once more.

"Do you ever stop screaming?" I say.

"Hmm I agree, stop screaming and I will translate."

"I WILL" he whisper yells.

"Fine~ He said to sacrifice him to Kashima. "

"Sacrifice?" Kashima says before laughing so hard he starts coughing.

"Yep, toono if you don't wanna see use all fuck each other right here right now leave with kashima " Shikitani says grinning.

"Whatever..." I say before leaving with kashima .



He was purified.




619 Words, I'm probably not going to make a lot (or any) more sassy toono stuff. I just felt like writing this, and it sucks. 

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