#6 Stray cat's?! / Yuri x Fujisaki

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(Sorry for the lack of uploads~I will try to upload more but I have 2 other one shot books im working on so cut me some slack? Anyways enjoy this dog shit story 👍)

Fujisaki's POV:

I found a stray cat a while ago but since dorms don't allow pets I can only feed it and give it temporary shelter , by making a tiny wooden house .

Its not suited for a growing kitten but it will have to do for a while until i find a better place for it .

I like to think im good at being a cat magnet , but then again im not really that good at anything else.

But anyways I named him Yu. Because the he is oddly dark blue like that nice kashima guy , even though we don't talk much he is still nice to me . And this cat is overly friendly.

I haven't been able to finish all my homework on time or worst of all hang out with yuri ... But I will when i find a safe place for Yu.

So today i walked to where I had built the cat house and to my shock there was another kitten ! Only this one was chocolate colored and has bright green eyes.

"Do you trust me enough to bring your friend here too?" I say foolishly talking to the little kitten who just stared up at me with tired eyes.

"Meow" it 'said' as if replying to me . I felt myself smile a bit . I raise my hand to pet Yu who immediately starts purring.

Next I turned to the brown one "What should i name you?" I asked petting its head .

The kitten pinned its ears back but never bit me even as i kept petting it .

"Hmm you kinda act like toono.. Getting mad but never doing anything..." I say. This cat wasn't nearly as fluffy as Yu but I could tell it didn't hate the pets I gave it .

"Takashi Toono... How about Taka?" I look down at the cats but Yu went to sleep and Taka curled up next to him.

Just as im about to leave I hear a familiar "HRRrRRRR?" Above me . So I instinctively look up only to see Yuri hanging on a tree branch .


He lets go of the branch and lands gracefully on the ground and stares at something but i couldn't exactly tell what me or the cats .

Then after a minute or so he moved forward , walking towards me but before I could say anything he picked me up by tossing me over his shoulder.

"Eh?!" Is all I can say when he puts cat treats next to the sleeping cats who are unfazed but eventually smell the sweet treat and wake up to eat it .

The next thing Yuri did was adjust me a little bit , now holding me bridal style .

"Hehe- catisaki no?"

"What does that mean?" I mutter.

"Meow!" Taka says while yawning and going back to sleep.

I look back to Yuri who stares back at me through his glasses .

"Meow?" I embarrassingly say . After I say that Yuri smirks and while managing to hold me with one hand , puts a fluffy blanket onto the sleeping kittens .

Then he carries me off . "Yuri-Kun what was that about?" I ask .

"Hmmm~ Yuri cat adopt mine!" He says much to my confusion. "Your adopting them?" I ask . Tilting my head.

"Si! That good with Catisaki?".

"Uh i guess?" . Since I couldn't take them in , Yuri is going to take care of it! 
Yuri adopted the cats~ And don't worry they are being taken care of by Fujisaki. 

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