Sick / Kashima x Toono

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Request by: toonoslover

Kashima's POV:

I had texted toono that I won't be attending the clubs meeting. Because I've been feeling sick for a few days.

Yacchan visited me a few times he didn't really do much. He kinda just made awkward small talk.

If anyone knew about sickness it would be shikitani, who after I texted him if he could come over and check what I had. Blocked me.

Then there was a light knocking on the door. So I slowly got up and walked over trying not to vomit in the process.

I slowly opened the door to reveal a familiar brown hair and emerald green eyes.

"Toono?" I asked. Why had he come here.

"Shikitani told me you were sick, so I came to give you a few thibgs and chrck if your were alight, are you?" He asked holding out and small bag of food and medicine.

"As good as you can be when your sick" I said laughing to myself.

"I would ask you to come in but... Yeah... Did i miss out on anything interesting in class? Tests, homework, fights?"

"No, only 2 small assignments" He said smiling.

"Thats good"

"Now why are you standing here go lay down!" Toono said pushing me to my bed.

I got in and laid there while he put some food on my nightstand. Along with giving my two pain killers.

"Is it a cold or?" Toono asked. Holding up two different kinds of medicine.

"Sorry im not quite sure myself" I admit.

"Then why don't you just take pain killers? Just in case" He said holding two small pills in his hand.

I took them and swallowed them. He then gave me a small cup of water.

"Thanks, also its not that I dont like your company, but I'd rather you not get sick." I said sitting up and drank the water.

"Yeah probably to late for that, so I'm staying for a while"

"You sure?" I said.

"Yeah" he said sitting down on my desk chair.


"..Just sleep" he said ,face red.


Toono got sick too.

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