Theme park / Yuri x Fujisaki

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Requested by: Neko_witty

Fujisaki's POV:

We got a week of school for reasons I don't remember. Probably wasn't important anyways. Nothing is more important that reading Yuris texts... Even if they don't make much sense.

He usually sends random words compiled together with emojis. The newest text being 'Room back bed leg spread' I struggle understanding, but i think it's sex related not that i mind.

Because as long as its yuri im okay with it. Plus it feels good and lasts a while. The only 'downside' is that I cant walk well, let alone sit.

I replied with an 'Ok?'

He replied with an '😃' emoji. I think he likes that one. Maybe I'll use it more than.

After that he went offline. So I did too. I wonder what yuri is gonna do today.

-Time skip-

I was in my dorm room as usual, Toono hanging out with Kashima, those two hang out quite often.

I stared at the wall. Completely Zoning out, until my door burst open and Yuri ran inside.

"Eh?" I said before he picked my up, one hand under my knees and the other holding my back. Bridal style I think it was?

He started to run out of my room laughing all the way, he didn't close the door. But that not a problem. As long as its Yuri.

Only when we left the school did I question what he was doing. And the car outside that we got into. Yuri had started driving by the time I said anything.

"Yuri, where are we going?" I questioned.

"Bigger park.... Not the hard 1 tho" He said slightly looking down at his... oh.

"Bigger park?" I asked. Finally realizing what he ment by 'not the hard 1 tho'. Am I making progress understanding Yuri? Maybe...

"Ahem, the theme park" he said in his normal voice. Adjusting his glasses.

"Yuri your so cool, I love you" I said staring at him. How is it humanly possible to be so hot, cool, smart, cute AND sexy??

"Hehe~ drowretfa xes fo s'tol evah s'teL" He said.



"Let's have lots if sex after- oh" he Tricked me again... Yuri is so smart.

"Ok" he said making slight cheering motions.

"...Yuri your so smart" That earned a smirk from him.

-Time skip again-

We had gotten out of the car and entered the theme park. It wasn't the liveliest of all things but therr was some nice looking things and it wasn't small at all. I wonder what yuri wants to do?

"Yuri what do you want to do?" I asked turning my head over to him. Who was standing in a pirate pose. So cool..

"Hmm- Jimmie choose" He said not breaking stance.

"Um, I'm gonna choose something dumb. Yuri you-"

"Yuri wants to know" he said that in a more stern tone.

"Um... That one?" I pointed over to a candy stand. I chose something dumb again.

But yuri grabbed my wrist and we walked over, bought candy and sat at a bench. I wasn't used to being treated this way. I'm way to used towards other people making the decisions for me.

That's how the rest of our day went. It was really fun. Last time I came here it wasn't nearly as fun as this.

I turned to yuri who was eating a lollipop, this was his 3rd . When he noticed my gaze he smirked, sliding his sunglasses down a bit.

"Sorry for staring" I apologized.

But to my shock he kissed me on the lips, leaving me speechless.

"Your so cute" He said patting my head. But I stared into his eyes. Shocked and left speeches. Something yuri really is good at.

Is it even possible to fall for someone even more, when you love them more than yourself?

"Yuri I love you so much"

"Me too"

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