Catching feelings/ Toono x Tamura

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3rd person:

Tamura was skipping class as usual, he didn't have time for homework when he could better things with his time, like fucking.

And just his luck, he encountered a teacher doing hall duty. So he ran into the bathroom. Bumping into someone along the way.

"Ow!" Tamura said as he almost fell over.

"Ah-" said ??? As they fell to the floor.

"Jeez look out next- TOONO?!" Tamura said almost screaming.

"Um ya?"

"Why are you here?"

"Cause I needed to use the bathroom" He said standing up and crossing his arms.

Footsteps were slowing approaching. The teacher had heard some commotion.

And Tamura, being used to this swiftly grabbed Toono by the waist amd dragged him into a bathroom stall.

"What the- Mmph?!" Toono tried saying but he was interrupted by tamura putting his hand over his mouth

"Shh" He said as he put a finger to his lips.

Toono just gave him a very annoyed stare. But he would just have to endure it for a while, as if Tamura got in trouble AGAIN. He would have to listen to an hour long lecture.

And there no way he's doing that again!

The door opened and the teacher walked in and scanned the room. Had he seen him go another way?

After a few minutes of silence. The teacher finally left.

The whole time Tamuras heart felt weird. Kinda like when he is with Yaguchi, but the feeling died down.

Only then did he realize what position they are in. Which left him a little red.

He had his left hand over toono's mouth and his right hand was holding toono's waist. Toono's hands were both trying, and failing to take Tamura's off his.

Then Toono realized as well. He tried even harder to take tamuras hand off him, but to no avail. Tamura kinda liked this pose. Plus his mind was elsewhere.

He had fucked many people and had a crush on yaguchi. But did he really? He did before but what now?

As Tamura stared off to space he subconsciously pulled Toono closer. Much to toonos dismay, but WAS it dismay?

If so then why was he so happy? And his face so red?

They stayed there even longer. Until Toono resisted again. Not wanting his senpai to tease him about this. But it was inevitable .

But this time tamura let go. And Toono rushed out of the restroom. Completely red. What is this feeling?? He thought.

Tamura just stayed there dumbfounded . He regretted letting him go for some reason. What the heck?

Throughout the rest of the day neither could focus or forget what had happened, it was just a little touching. But why was it not so bad?

That thought remained for a while. Until they got to their dorms.

Tamura flopped onto his bed and stared at the ceiling. I though I liked yaguchi? Then what...? Small weak toono..?

Todays events constantly flashed through his mind. Even though no one was in the room. He hid his tomato red face.
Toono on the other hand did the same thing. But his main thought was, IM THE BOTTOM?!

After finally accepting his fate he and Tamura had both realized they caught feelings.

( Next upload is just something I had thought of, but next one shot is Shikatani x Itome :) . No im not replacing the other ships im just adding some new ones for people that ship it)

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