Crushing / Kashima x Shikitani

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Requested by: Neko_witty

Kashima's POV:

To be honest it was a pleasant surprise when shikitani asked me if we could hang out.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited. Been crushing on him for a while.

And its good that the whole Matsumora ordeal is over, he seems less stressed nowadays.

I walk around the halls to where he said to meet and there he is, beautiful.

I sprint over. "Where do you wanna go?" I asked.

"I thought you knew" he looks just as shocked as me.

"I thought you already knew so i didn't plan for anything" I said. Before starting to laugh.

"So, we both really don't know?" I said before starting to laugh even harder. Don't ask what's so funny because not even i know.

"I guess not, and get off the floor! Its not THAT funny, also that dirty!" I laughed harder.

It took me a while to stop. Shikitani is just to adorable sometimes, all the time.

I finally stoof up and ruffled up his hair a bit. "Sorry for that! Your just to~ cute".

"Choose your words carefully, those ones were rather misleading." He said readjusting his glasses.


To save you all a boring long talk, we decided to walk around the school. Not the most romantic thing but hey, at least I may earn a little progress.

"So what did you do today senpai?" I asked not wanting it to be silent the whole time.

"Well, I had sex with someone with the 3 inch, which sucked. But they was also a 12 incher, we also got a new vibrator 10 inch but still, it has nice bumps and curves. Was cheap too. I aced an exam. Yuri bit me again. I traumatized Toono. Bullied jimmy and ya pretty boring day if you ask me" He said sighing like this wasn't concerning.

"What test?"


"Thats Awesome!"

"Compliment me on my hole instead"

"Umm, maybe later... Also why did you want to hang out? Im not complaining but usually you never speak to me?"

"Is it a crime to want to get to know the first years in your club? I mean I did try with Toono but... I think your cooler."

"What makes me cooler?"

"Its Toono, must i really explain?"

"..." Shikitani can also be brutal.

"Well I complimented you, what about me?" He asked. Turning around to face me making sure I wouldn't laugh.

"Your cute"

"I know that"


"Heard it over and over"


"This isn't elementary"


"Im joking"

3rd person:

Shikitani walked over and hugged kashima, something he rarely does. Little did kashima know, shikitani barely heard those words.

So he silently vowed never to forget.

And he never did to this day.

"Remember our first hang out?" Shikitani said sitting next to a half awake kashima .

"How could I forget, you made me take 5 showers because of that one time I laughed and fell to the floor"

"Other then that?"

"The complaints?"


"I remember"


"Can I sleep now?"

"Sure. Babe"



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