Flowers / Kashima x Toono

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Requested by: KotokaHe

Kashima's POV:

This is the first time Toono has invited me to hang out.

Probably because he's way to shy. Which honestly is really cute.

He wanted to hang out at a near by field, so we could just 'lay down and talk'.

I dressed in some nice casual clothes. To try and maybe hide how excited i really was. I still have hopes up he maybe will respond to my confession.

Either its rejection or not, i hope we may remain friends. But then again, this may just be a normal hangout between friends.

But nonetheless im excited.

I wait outside his dorm for him to finish getting ready. It's not that long of a walk around 5-8 minutes if we don't get side tracked.

I wait until the door slowly opens. Revealing someone with familiar brown hair and green eyes. As beautiful as I ever.

"Ready to go?" I asked smiling.

"Yep!" He said stepping out.

After we exited the school, we walked down the side walk. Chatting about many different things. Like the club. Yacchans attitude. And upcoming tests.

Toono actually had some good counter arguments. Along with some petty remarks. Which makes me think Tamura has had a bit of an influence on him.

But our chatting ended when we reached the field. It was surprisingly full of flowers. Is this why he told me to bring my camera?

Its so cute how he remembers the things all my other friends would forget. I mean its really cute.

We walked to the center of the field and looked around.

"How did you even find this place?" I asked turning my head to face him.

"Well, i was running from Yuri, and ended up here. So I thought we could come here one day, to you know, hang out" He said, face turning a pretty red.

I laughed in response.

And we talked. And talked. And talked. For hours.

Sometime during that i had picked a flower and put it in his hair. Once beautiful always beautiful.

And we continued to talk. Until he walked away. And soon came back with a flower crown.

And placed it on my head.

We sat there in silence for a bit until he spoke "here.. For you" his face completely red.

"Hehe thanks~"

We Sat down and stared at each other in a rather awkward silence.

"Umm, i.." He muttered.


After a long silence he said. "Like you" he said at last.

"You do?"



"A lot"

I leaned over and cupped his face in my hands. And kissed him on the lips.

And we stayed in that field until its was 6:00. And only left when Akemi called them over the phone. Saying they had a club meeting.

And only then did they leave. Together holding hands.


A/N: Hope you liked it!

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