#1 Thunder / Kashima x Toono / Yacchan x Toono

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~This is kind of angsty? With a little fluff~

Toono's POV:

I'm sitting in my dorm on the floor on my phone checking the news and YouTube, stuff like that but not long till I get a notification ...-Weather warning!! severe thunder and lightning coming up!!! Going to last from 8:00AM-6PM!!

I check the time it is right now only to see its 7:57AM, and as if on que I hear a loud BOOM of thunder. Guess who isn't going to their classes today?

Yaguchi's POV:

I sit in class first period is always such a bore but then again, I get to see toono so I guess it's not THAT bad but it's still pretty boring. But as I wait for class to start, I notice that toonos seat remained empty even when class started. And worse when the teacher starts filing in the attendance...

"Hmm... it seems like toono is the only one absent today... Well anyways now where going to ---"

I zoned out, not like I was going to actually listen anyway but whatever, where the fuck was toono ? Guess I'm going to half to drop by the club he is in to see if they have seen him today and maybe I will ask Kashima too.

And like I thought earlier class was the definition of boring, the old man (Teacher) wouldn't shut the fuck up for two God dang seconds. And everyone else in the class were loud as fuck too.

After class finally ended i quickly walked to where the bitch club was, and to my dismay they were all there, some were sitting on the couch like normal people but some of them the one with the glasses ... Yuri was it? Was butt naked in the corner doing God knows what. is this what toono deals with every day? Maybe I should ask him about that later.

"Yaguchi ?!" some angry blueberry said standing up suddenly.

"Oh~ good morning Kyosuke!" Kashima said standing up and starts walking towards me but stops as if he remembered something.

"Why are you here today?"

"I wanted to ask if Toono was here because he wasn't in class so."

"OH! He didn't stop by here today either, so you don't know either then?" Asked some mini barbie doll with overly big ass blue eyes. I shake my head no.

"Then he is in his dorm probably..." The barbie adds.

"I'm going to go too!" Kashima adds. I once more nod.

We take off immediately after that. walking down the halls to where the dorms are then we start looking for dorm 3, room 108.

Yuu makes sure the walk isn't awkward by making small talk which I appreciate but I'm really focused on finding toono because during class I remembered something. Toono is afraid of thunder! Plus, if he's going to be my future wife, I need to make sure he doesn't scare himself to death.

And after a long conversation about our favorite animals and a long ass walk to the dorms, we finally make it to Toonos dorm room.

BOOM! More thunder. I wonder does Kashima Know's that toono is afraid of thunder & lighting.

Kashima knocks on the door lightly but loud enough that you can tell it's a knock and not a light tap on the door. We go quiet when we hear light shuffling in the room.

He knocks again and this time someone opens the door. And what do you know? Its toono wrapped up in a big white fluffy blanket. Thats really cute ... Not cuter than me but it's cute ...

But he did look like he was having a miserable day. And I guess that's because of the thunder.

"Can we come in?" Yuu asked in a calming tone.


We silently walked in, and I noticed it was very neat.

"Why are you guys here?" He asked with a small head tilt.

"Because we were wondering where you were dumbass, you weren't in class or in the clubroom, so we came here. "

"Yeah, I was waiting for you in the clubroom when Kyosuke stopped by and asked why you weren't in class. "

"Oh~ ok that explains it then."

"Yep, but why didn't you go to class you aren't sick are you?" yuu asked once more.

But before Toono could respond another loud BOOM! of thunder. Gotta admits that it did jump scare me a little. But Toono looked mortified. I don't like that expression. But Yuu took the hint and said.

"Hey Kyosuke want to skip the rest of our classes?". Even Toono looked shocked, but can you blame him? But I mean it can't be that bad right.?


Kashima POV:

I just can't leave Toono here alone if he is afraid of thunder, even if it means skipping the rest of my classes. We ended up Sharing Toono's bed. Kyosuke to the left by the wall toono in the middle because we decided to share. And I'm at the end so to prevent myself from falling off i have my arms around toono , but I don't think Kyosuke is ok with that, so he also put his arms around toono too.

We also ended up all under the same covers. I'm not complaining because at least I got to sit next to toono and he is ok now.

We also talked about little things, so it didn't get too awkward.

"What's your least favorite food?" I ask.

"Fish eggs " Toono says with a disgusted look.

"C.A.R.R.O.T. S"

That made us laugh.

"What about you yuu?"

"Hmm Konjac "


We laughed again.

"Is anyone cold? Cause I can get another blanket " Toono asked sitting up. But in unison My and Kyosuke grabbed toono and make him lay back down.

"I don't think anyone is cold, I mean we are all huddled together, right?" I say. Toono nods in response.

Another loud BOOM!

But this time toono doesn't flinch. So, I tap him on the shoulder. no response that's when Kyosuke sat up and pointed down at toono with a big grin on his face. So, I sit up too. When did he fall asleep? Oh well, since I already said I was going to skip the rest of my classes I will keep my word, so I lay back down.

Kyosuke did the same.

It wasn't long till we all fell asleep.

1044 Words~ And honestly this sucked ;p

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