#5 Movies / Toono x Kashima

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A/N Sorry for the lack of uploads!! I just didn't know what else to write. The next one will be yuri x Fujisaki ! 

Toono's POV:

I swear class gets more boring by the day! I pinch myself to stay awake, but I doubt it's working. I check the clock 3 more miserable minutes ... 

I look down at my notes which I think I did a pretty good job of, I got most of the important things down, but I had stopped about 10 minutes ago so I might have missed something, but I would ask yacchan if he got it.


Oh! It's the bell. I stand up along with everyone else and pack everything up and when I'm done, I exit the classroom to my Suprise, I see Kashima standing there, so I walk up to him.

"What's up?" I ask.

"Nothing much I just wanted to ask you something ..." He said turning his head slightly away.

"What is it?" I say slightly tilting my head to the side.

"Wanna come to my dorm and watch a movie?" He says finally turning back to look at me.

"Sure, I have time! Which movie?" 

"A horror movie "

" That sounds fun!" I say.

"Yep, see you later, class is about to start!" He says rushing off.

"But we have 4 more minutes. " I muttered under my breath but of course Kashima was long gone.



After I got to class, I had found myself unable to listen to the teachers lecture as I was spaced out the whole time. Why a movie? Why tonight?

I know I'm making this a bigger deal then it needs to be, but I can't help it. Oh well i only have 2 more classes left and its better than dealing with the club and Tamura's attitude. 



After what felt like 10 eternities the bell rang and school was finally over for the day, so I walked towards where the dorms are and walked around till, I found Kashima's. Knocked on the door and waited.

But that didn't take long or even a minute because he opened the door almost right away. 

"Did I keep you waiting?" I say.

"No not at all! I was just getting everything set up! You came right when I finished!"

"Talk about perfect timing!" 

He nodded before moving aside so I could enter. Unlike Yacchan , Kashima is able to keep his dorm clean and neat. 

Since he didn't have enough room for an actual TV, we were watching it on his phone, and we had decided to share the earbuds I got the left he got the right. The stuff he was getting ready was actually snack and his bed because the floor would be uncomfortable.

So, he made his phone lean against the wall and we both layed on our stomachs for a while. But when the movie got to the more intense part's we both sat up and laid against the wall with Kashima putting his phone in his lap . I could still see it very clearly.

 But so, I could see it a little better I put my head on his shoulder. To my surprise Kashima slightly jumped.

"Sorry was that awkward?" I say lifting my head up.

"No, I was just surprised, and the movie just got serious so..."

"So can I do it again?" I asked trying and failing to stop blushing. 

A embarrassed nod was my only response, so I did. He was right it was the fight scene every good horror movie had. The character was running in a corn maze because the killer had tricked her there. 

It was very intense. But then the scene got quiet then BOOM! The killer revealed himself to be around the corner!

It was a good jumps care and I hate to admit but I jumped. That made Kashima laugh.

"Hey! I wasn't expecting that!"


"W-whatever... lets go back to watching the movie now we are missing out..." I say trying to avoid talking about this. 

And we did until the movie was over, but the end had such calming music for a horror movie that I could barely keep my eyes open. We had eaten all of the popcorn and Kashima's phone was about to die. And it was almost midnight.

Kashima also looked like he was going to fall asleep at any moment too.

Kashima's POV:

I didn't want to wake up Toono as he had fallen asleep on my shoulder and we had classes tomorrow, I don't know why I chose to day to be a movie night, but I did.

I slowly turned my head around to see Toono who was sound asleep, so I slowly laid him down on my bed, cleaned up the popcorn and plugged in my phone. Homework could wait. I was tired too. 

So, I got in bed and put the blanket on both of us leaving Toono with most of it. Before I went to sleep, I leaned over and kissed Toono on the cheek before laying back down and resting my head on the pillow and drift off to sleep Aswell.

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