~(Late) Chrismas special~

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3rd person:

It is Christmas time here at mori mori academy, more specifically christmas Eve, and the teachers didn't give much homework. And for some reason the halls were festive.

Everyone was just rolling with it. It was christmas after all. Most are going back to celebrate with their families, others? Throwing parties.

But here at everyone's favorite bitch club... Things were just chaotic, what do you expect? Maturity? We all know this club is the complete opposite.

"I say we have a huge fuck fest! Sex festival! Huge gang bang!" Akemi said slamming his hands on the table.

"I say we clean this germ infested room" Shikitani said scowling. "Only then! Do we all fuck"

"Yuri going in with Toru " Yuri said holding the poor guy. But he didn't seem to mind.

"I vote what yuri said" Fujisaki said raising his hand. Though no one really cared.

"Shut it you moron your not even in this dang club are ya?" Tamura said leaning back on the wooden chair he for some reason had.

"I say we be normal and just give gifts" Toono said, in a corner. Making sure he's able to bolt out of the door if need be.

"I agree with Toono.." Kashima said, also by the door.

"You virgins are boring~" Shikitani said while he examined his nails.

"Yeah we did your dumb halloween idea~ So why can't you guys do one thing fir your senpais?" Akemi complained. To which Toono rolled his eyes.

"Alls you guys think about are sex, sex and more sex" He said. With surprising accuracy. "The only semi-normal one of you, is Itome."

"Plus you guys fuck ALL year right? Why not have some vacations?"


"Your so smart Tamura!" Akemi praised.

"Ehehe Yuri ready to do with Fuji~" Yuri said bolting out of the room dragging Fujisaki with him once more. They do it so often people outside the club misunderstand Fujisaki as a club member quite often.

Some even consider him one.

"You guys do what you want but I'm just gonna give gifts instead.." Toono said inching towards the door.

"Your so boring dam virgin! But since im so~ nice i will let you off the hook, if afterward you team with me to cause chaos in the school" Tanura said crossing his arms triumphantly.

"Yeah id rather do that..."

"So we just gonna give and get gifts, then fuck after? DEAL!!" Said Shikitani his voice monotone only until the fuck part.

"Yeah lets do that" Kashima said. Before finally following Toono, basically bolting outta the room.

"Those virgins sure are weird" Akemi said jumping up to follow them.

"Mhm" hummed Tamura.

(Gifts they gave)

Toonos gifts for everyone:
Kashima: Stuffed animal
Yacchan: Stuffed animal
Fujisaki: Stuffed animal
Tamura: Fuck you poster and Stuffed animal
Yuri: Stuffed animal
Shikitani: Hand sanitizer
Akemi: Anti-horny pills
Itome: Books

Kashimas gifts for everyone:
Toono: Books
Yacchan: How to not punch someone tutorial
Fujisaki: Hoodie
Tamura: Clothes
Yuri: Clothes
Shikitani: Gloves
Akemi: Anti-Horny pillz
Itome: Books

Fujisaki only got gifts for Toono and kashima, which were lots of candy and Yuri who got what he wanted earlier... Sex

Tamira only got something for Yuri, Toono and Yacchan . Yuri, Was the middle finger. Toono, snacks. And for yacchan it was another confession.

Yuri gave everyone vibrators.

Shikitani gave cleaning supplies and tools.

Akemi was sex toys.

Itome gave actually decent things, textbooks, books, new pens ETC...

Yacchan forgot.

(Toono + Yacchan + Kashima)
3rd person:

The trio had decided to have a sleepover for Christmas break and stay up as long as possible.  By cleaning Yacchans dorm room... Again.

While also talking about random things and they had even set up a mini "bed" on the floor. Even if it was a pile of blankets. 

They had made tremendous progress until yacchan got to bored and tired and slept on the bed.

Kashima and Toono stayed up trying to finish what they started. But it was almost midnight, and Toono slept on the blankets on the floor.

Kashima joined him. But yacchan woke up and moved them both to the bed, and made room for himself. Kashima on the left, toono in the middle and yacchan on the end. And they slept together for a while .

(Itome + Akemi)

They made decided to have some nice long "Christmas fun".


Actually decided to clean up the club room, it was hella messy. And he did an amazing job.

But he did end up going home... If his family made sure not to talk about shou..


Bullied a few people. But actually was exited for his gifts.

(Yuri and Fujisaki)

They got had gone back to their dorms, to get clothes. Then went to yuris and had sex from 8:21PM till 11:30AM.

Then they cuddled for a while. Yuri basically didn't let Fujisaki leave. Till he actually had to.

In short they all had a very 'unique' but memorable christmas.
(Sorry this was late and really bad!)

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