chapter two: bench

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jungkook is entering to the locker room to get ready for his dance practice, it's a obviously male locker room and jungkook is the only one man who dances in his dance team so he's alone.

yeah maybe that's why basketball team, pride of the city and their college doesn't like him so much.

he was too busy checking something on his phone, definitely not the dating app, that didn't notice a person sitting on the bench. when he finally put some of his stuffs in the locker, taking the head phones away he finally was able to hear that someone is here. and for his bigger surprise that person was crying.

he quickly looked into the sound direction and what he saw left him more than surprised, Kim Taehyung who was basically bullying him with his friends from a basketball team was sitting alone in their college locker room, sobbing into hands. it made jungkook speechless, for the first time ever he saw somebody from the basketball team crying. yeah, this team whose main motto is 'men don't cry'

what the hell? jungkook thought, being about to leave but somehow couldn't. he's not that kind of person who when sees someone clearly not feeling well or upset just walks away, no matter If he likes him, don't like him or hates him. and that person trust me he definitely hates with his whole heart so it won't be so easy for him what he's about to do. uh okay, let's do it

jungkook bite lower lip, gently and as quietly as is able to close his locker just to ask not very willingly but still trying to break through prejudice "hey, everything okay?" facing the elders back, taehyung at hearing these words quickly whipped face mumbling not really nicely "I'm fine, go away"

to best honest, jungkook immediately guessed that it was a lie and just wanted to go and forget about this situation but somehow again, couldn't. "are you sure? you don't seem fine" jungkook asked gently again having no response, trying to not act awkward but the whole situation was sweating with awkwardness "you want to um talk about it? I mean, what happened to you or something?" he added after some moments making the boy suddenly stand up.

taehyung angrily walked closer to jungkook, he grabbed him by his shirt and smashed his back against the lockers behind "want me to kick your ass again?! I said I'm fine, don't fucking tempt me to hit you in that damn face!" taehyung said making jungkook slowly open eyes a bit scared "I-I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask-", "what? you wanted me to look vulnerable? to tell everyone that you saw me crying like a bitch in the locker room? are you fucking playing with me faggot?" taehyung cut him off.

these words made jungkook angrier than ever "excuse me? all I did was trying to help you and now what? you're freaking threatening me right now?! what the hell is wrong with you all people, I just wanted to be nice! what kind of human being you are, is this a joke?!", "well the problem is I don't need your fucking hand or your grace, I'm fucking fine! want me to spell it out for you?!" taehyung said, tightly holding material of jks shirt who got annoyed even more.

"screw you, taehyung. you're still the dumb asshole you always were even when someone is trying to help you, let me go" jungkook said trying to free himself from taes grip who wasn't letting him go, staring at him. "I said let me go? what part of that don't you understand?" jungkook repeated himself, pushing taehyung away who didn't say a word back yet.

"are you deaf? I said let-" suddenly jungkook was cut off by taehyungs lips.

when the kiss came to stop taehyung finally let go of jungkook who pushed him harshly away while blushing like a mess, covering mouth with hand, trying to process what just happened. Kim Taehyung, the straightest looking man just kissed him. what the fuck just happened?!!!?!!?!

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