chapter five: room 192

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month later

"jungkook, wake up. we gonna be late for college"

namjoon scream's making jungkook slowly sat up on bed, whipping eyes all sleepily "what time is it?" he asked tired "9:20am, remember that we have hobi's party tonight. we have to go, already last time avoided it" namjoon explains making jungkook roll eyes, his puffy eyes hurts "I don't like parties when we have to study to exams, you know that. If hoseok doesn't like it, It's not my problem. I was partying with him the whole summer" he said back making his friend throw a towel on his face.

"It's his birthday, come on. don't be such a dick" namjoon smiles chuckling a little "oh" jungkook breaths out "alright, If we must then let's go but I'm not really happy about it" namjoon roll eyes playfully, walking closer to the younger boy just to pat his back "I see that you try so well to keep up with us even though you are younger, I'm proud of you as hell. come on, get ready because we already are late. I'm making coffee, want some?" he asked "yes, thanks joon" jungkook says with little smile before grabbing his phone.

he noticed messages from his new friend from dating app.


thinking of you


you didn't send me any photo of you yet
so I'm not talking to you 😒


I send you my abs???
I told you earlier
I don't have any photos of me, I mean face


don't buy it



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you drive me crazy
you know that right?


I can guess

jungkook bites lower lip before standing up from his bed, smiling to himself at the thought of a mysterious user1921.


"so It's a big party?" namjoon said while standing in doors with jungkook, staring at how huge the crowd of dancing, drunk people was "yes, it is" jungkook mumbled annoyed already regretting that he came here. he likes partyng, don't get me wrong but as well really respect his personal space and what's more important himself.

when he looks at all the people, rubbing literally grinding against each other as if they are superstars in that place he cannot stop mumbling some things to himself as If it matters. to him does, at least.

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