chapter nine: cold with fire

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jungkook fixes himself a little, being about to knock to tae's door when suddenly got a notification.


are you there?
you aren't answering me...

did I do something wrong???

jungkook hides his phone in the pocket, chawing lower lip a bit nervously before gently knocking to door, being a bit nervous about it because doesn't know what to expect from taehyung. can guess that is mad at him but at the same time, why would he? he was the person who set these stupid rules for them hiding and keeping as much as 'sex only' is possible. jungkook wasn't expecting or planing on staying over there but now he feels bad, because he wanted to but just couldn't.

suddenly the door flew open and his eyes witnesses shirtless taehyung clearly after the shower. jks cheeks turns red in just one second trying to not show so much how this view affected him "what are you doing here?" taehyung asked a bit surprised "hi" jungkook whispers shyly, whipping his cheeks embarrassed at the way it all turned out so awkward. It's not like he sees taehyung after shower for the first time, now he just looked more handsome than ever.

If that's possible...

"I-I" jungkook starts "I wanted to apologise, for earlier. I'm sorry that I left so quickly, in such rush", taehyung nods saying "apology accepted" before pushing door closed but jungkook quickly stopped it now entering to the room, closing door after himself. taehyung turns around, rolling eyes at still seeing jungkook "I said I accepted your apology, you can go now", "please, I just want to talk to you, don't avoid me" jungkook says calmly.

"funny avoi- about what? about the way you rejected me? I was just trying to be nice, anyway it didn't effect me. I don't care" taehyung says, running palms through hair a bit tensed making jungkook bite lower lip "I know you do...", "no I don't, I don't need your fucking sympathy-", "why are you trying so hard to be unmoved by everything, acting like you don't have feelings or ugh emotions or that you're just god damn hurt, it isn't bad or less manly" jungkook cut taehyung off who scuffed.

"excuse me-", "I'm sorry for what I did okay, I'm sorry I didn't stay over. I really wanted to, It's just I deal with a big shit a-and hiding all of this including are friendship is hard and makes me sometimes uneasy. but first of all you were the one who made these dumb rules and everytime we are talking about something not really related to happiness you are acting so mean, like being sad is some kind of form of a complex or something that you should be ashamed of and that shouldn't be the case" jungkook explains.

taehyung shuts mouth, mumbling something to himself while sitting on the couch next to him. jungkook exhaled "I'm sorry, I just don't like when you're acting so arrogant and cold" he says, crossing arms meanwhile taehyung finally mumbles back "and I don't like when you are right" making the younger smile a little.

jungkook takes off his bag pack just to put it on the floor doing the same with his jacket before walking closer to the elder and sit onto his lap, putting hands on taes shoulders who does the same with his but on jks waist. "I'm sorry, I was being mean. I didn't meant to make you hurt by it, I really want to watch a movie with you" jungkook whispers with a smile making taehyung chuckles "shut up, fuck that movie. I just wanted to be with you" blurring face into jks chest who smiles even more.

"oh I'm honoured, I thought you're meant to be only a cold playboy" jungkook jokes, "oh, is that so? I see, you little-" taehyung tickles jks waist making him wrap arms around his neck giggling "stop! taehyung! stop! nooo, stop or I will-" more of tickling "okay okay, stop!! I give up!" jungkook begs, taehyung kisses his chest and neck several times, before pulling away and looking into jks big, duo eyes.

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